Abortion Laws: A Debate

Featuring Professor Robin Fretwell Wilson and Professor Michele Goodwin
January 26, 2017
Noon–1:00 p.m.
UC Irvine School of Law, EDU 1111
UCI Law’s American Constitution Society and Federalist Society have organized a debate/discussion on abortion laws, moderated by Prof. Henry Weinstein. Professor Robin Fretwell Wilson from the University of Illinois College of Law will debate UCI Law Professor Michele Goodwin. Some topics to be covered are whether religious hospitals should be able to follow their beliefs and not be forced to perform abortions, the ACLU’s lawsuit against Michigan hospitals for failure to provide emergency medical care to pregnant women, and the Clinton campaign to repeal the Hyde Amendment.
For more information about this event, please email Debbie Mondares at dmondares@law.uci.edu.