Jack I. Lerner
Clinical Professor of Law
Director, Intellectual Property, Arts, and Technology Clinic
Joint appointment in UCI Department of Film and Media Studies

Copyright, privacy, technology, media law, patent law, intellectual property, freedom of expression
Professor Lerner’s work focuses on problems at the intersection of law and technology, particularly how technology law and policy affect innovation and creative expression. He has written and spoken widely on copyright, privacy and other areas of technology law.
(Log in to view full course descriptions in the UCI Law Course Catalog)
- Jack I. Lerner, Charis E. Kubrin et al, Rap on Trial: A Legal Guide for Attorneys 1 (Version 1.0 2021)
- Lerner, Jack I., Secondary Copyright Infringement Liability and User-Generated Content in the United States (May 13, 2020). Chapter 18, IN: Oxford handbook of online intermediary liability, Oxford University Press, 2020
- Jack Lerner & Rom Bar-Nissim, Law Enforcement Investigations Involving Journalists in National Security Leaks, Whistleblowers, and the Media (Paul Rosenzweig, Timothy J. McNulty & Ellen Shearer, Eds., ABA Publishing) (2014)
- Clara Martin & David B. Oshinsky, Internet Law & Practice in California, (CEB, 2004) (Executive Editor)
- Oversight and Regulation of Collective Management of Copyright (forthcoming)
- Jack Lerner, et al., The Duty of Confidentiality in the Surveillance Age, 17 J. Internet L. 1 (2014)
- Jack Lerner & Deirdre Mulligan, Taking the "Long View" on the Fourth Amendment: Stored Records and the Sanctity of the Home, 3 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. (2008)
- Jack Lerner, Intellectual Property and Development at WHO and WIPO, 34 Am. J.L. & Med. 257 (2008)
- April 2024
“Navigating the Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence,” United Way Alexis de Toqueville Society, Irvine, CA - March 2, 2019
Workshop Leader, Fair Use for Academics, 16th Annual Meeting of the CA-AAUP, Vallejo, CA - March 29, 2017
Panelist, “Security, Privacy & Hacked eMails,” South Bay Jewish Law Forum - Sept. 29, 2016
Panelist, “Fair Use? You Be The Judge,” Getting Real 16 documentary film conference, Hollywood - Nov. 18, 2016
Speaker, Intellectual Property and the Public Interest: Toward a Festschrift for Peter A. Jaszi, American University Washington College of Law - Sept. 13, 2016
Speaker, advance screening of Oliver Stone biopic “Snowden,” hosted by ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties, Balboa Park, San Diego - May 2, 2016:
Panelist, “Community and Pedagogical Benefits of Developing Public Education Resources and Engaging in Technology Enhanced Representation,” 39th Annual Conference on Clinical Legal Education, Baltimore - Oct. 7, 2014:
Panelist, “Privacy and Security in Cyberspace,” Representing the Tech Company of the Future Symposium, UC Hastings College of the Law/California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee, San Francisco - Sept. 10, 2014:
Presenter, “The Strange Saga of Garcia v. Google,” Los Angeles Copyright Society
- Vulture: Don’t Expect a Drake Trial
- Mother Jones: How a Young Thug “Meme Page” Helped Expose Georgia’s Broken Court System
- Faculty Roundup: The latest highlights from UCI Law’s faculty (May 2024)
- Faculty Roundup: The latest highlights from UCI Law’s faculty
- UC Irvine law, criminology experts release second edition of Rap on Trial: A Legal Guide
- The Economist: How art is used against artists, like Young Thug, in court
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: It’s scary to use art as trial evidence (op-ed)
- The Economist: At Young Thug’s blockbuster trial, rap lyrics are used as evidence.
- Yahoo News: Young Thug, YSL trial underway as lawyers challenge use of rap lyrics in RICO case
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution: In rap lyrics, fiction or confession?
- Authors Alliance: Prof. Lerner discusses the future of RAP Act legislation with Authors Alliance
- Grammy Advocacy: Prof. Lerner featured on Grammy Advocacy with conversation on how prosecutors use rap lyrics to inject bias and prejudice into criminal proceedings
- Courthouse News Service: Prof. Lerner comments on prosecutors focusing on rap lyrics as evidence to a crime
- Central Recorder: Prof. Lerner comments on the use of rap lyrics in criminal proceedings and discrimination in the criminal justice system
- The Fader: Q&A with Prof. Lerner on NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ statements suggesting a link between violent crime and drill music, and how the Rap on Trial Legal Guide can help defense lawyers
- Law360: Prof. Lerner and the UCI Law IPAT Clinic highlighted for work representing the International Documentary Association in digital copyright/fair use case
- Regulations.gov: Prof. Lerner and UCI Law IPAT Clinic students Benjamin Brahm and Megan Qiyu Wang file comments with the U.S. Copyright Office on behalf of OTW asking the Office to revise how it is setting up the Copyright Claims Board
- NBC New York: Prof. Lerner quoted on proposed NY bill to ban prosecutors from using rap lyrics as evidence
- Regulations.gov: Prof. Lerner and UCI Law IPAT Clinic students Benjamin Brahm and Megan Qiyu Wang file comments with the U.S. Copyright Office on behalf of OTW asking the Office to revise how it is setting up the Copyright Claims Board
- Law360: Prof. Lerner discusses “Rap on Trial: A Legal Guide for Attorneys,” a new resource for lawyers encountering the use of rap lyrics in trials
- KKFI’s Jaws of Justice Radio: LISTEN: Prof. Lerner discusses use of rap lyrics as evidence in courtrooms, and the Rap on Trial legal guide
- Daily Journal: Prof. Lerner discusses new legal guide to help attorneys defend clients from having their rap lyrics used against them in court
- WGN Radio: LISTEN: Prof. Lerner discusses the legality of prosecutors using defendants' rap music to gain convictions
- UCI News: UCI Law and Criminology Experts Produce Guide for Defense Attorneys Fighting Use of Rap Lyrics in Trials
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Lerner quoted on Facebook’s algorithms and the promotion of inflammatory materials on social media
- Copyright Lately: Prof. Lerner Q&A on Fair Use law and UCI Law IPAT Clinic’s Fair Use Jurisprudence Report
- UCI Law: UCI Law Granted $450,000 to Expand Intellectual Property Clinic's First Amendment Practice
- OC Register: Prof. Lerner discusses legal issues around Weedmaps listing unlicensed shops on website
- Boing Boing: UCI Law IPAT Clinic, Prof. Lerner review essay film and write opinion letter for professor, filmmaker
- The Recorder: UCI Law IPAT Clinic, Prof. Lerner involved in broadening DMCA exemptions
- Orange County Register: Prof. Lerner comments on potential threat of Russians hacking 2018 elections
- KPCC: LISTEN: Prof. Lerner discusses DNC lawsuit alleging Trump campaign conspired with Russia
- Everything is a Remix: Prof. Lerner co-writes video explaining fair use
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Lerner weighs in on fight over smartphone patents
- Talking Points Memo: Prof. Lerner: Opaque nature of U.S. intelligence makes it easy for politicians, pundits to spin
- KPCC: Prof. Lerner quoted: Congress has extremely important role, investigating Russian hacking
- New Republic: Prof. Lerner quoted re: civilian recordings of police brutality and liability concerns of cities
- KPCC: Prof. Lerner discusses legal issues of Apple being ordered to help FBI unlock iPhone of San Bernardino shooter
- Daily Journal/California Lawyer: Prof. Lerner and IP, Arts, and Technology Clinic students win CLAY award for work on DMCA copyright exemption for authors, filmmakers
- OC Weekly: Prof. Lerner and IPAT clinic students credited with helping loosen federal copyright law to help authors and filmmakers
- Press Release: Librarian of Congress Restores Fair Use Rights for Filmmakers and Authors Represented by UCI Law Clinic
- Daily Journal: Prof. Lerner featured in Nossaman's LLP/UCI Law cybersecurity symposium
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Lerner praises court ruling on Happy Birthday song as “a great victory for the public”
- Fractured Atlas Blog: Prof. Lerner provides legal expertise in discussion of fair use issues for documentary filmmakers
- Huffington Post Blog: Professors Lerner, Goodwin and Shaffer write about problematic issues of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Los Angeles Times: Prof. Lerner quoted re: 9th Circuit Garcia v. Google ruling; IPAT Clinic co-wrote amicus brief in the case
- Press Release: UCI Law clinic files petitions to help filmmakers, e-book authors secure fair use rights
- The Wrap: Prof. Lerner comments on net neutrality plan unveiled by FCC chairman
- The Huffington Post: Prof. Lerner quoted in a story about why this year’s Best Picture nominees are not available on Netflix
- This Week in Law: Prof. Lerner discusses intellectual property and technology law issues
- CBS Evening News: Prof. Lerner interviewed on the role that YouTube videos played in the Santa Barbara mass shooting
- Honolulu Civil Beat: Prof. Lerner’s participation in a media law panel featured in a story on the lack of legal protections for online journalists in Hawai’i
- MSNBC: Prof. Lerner discusses how Facebook has changed our society and our views on privacy