A student dismissed for scholastic deficiency may be readmitted, or may be readmitted upon conditions, upon approval of a written petition to the Assistant Dean for Student Services. Such petition must affirmatively show that the prior dismissal does not indicate a lack of capacity to complete the LL.M. program. Documentation and other evidence must accompany the petition, where possible. A petitioning student must adequately explain why s/he did not seek to withdraw from school or to postpone an examination or examinations and must adequately explain a failure to notify the Assistant Dean for Students Services about problems arising during any examination. The Assistant Dean for Student Services may delegate the power to decide petitions arising under this rule and the Assistant Dean for Student Services or delegate shall conduct such proceedings as seem appropriate under the circumstances including at least a personal interview with the student. No appeal from the Assistant Dean for Student Services’ decision is permitted and the faculty will have no jurisdiction to consider any such appeal.