The rules regarding withdrawal are set forth below according to what portion of the School of Law program a student has completed at the timewithdrawal is sought. After consultation with the Assistant Dean for Student Services at the School of Law, the student seeking to withdraw must complete all the appropriate university withdrawal forms before the last day of instruction for the term in order to maintain good standing
A first-semester student who withdraws before the last instruction day of the first semester is entitled to readmission one time as a first semester LL.M. student in the fall semester one year after matriculation or in the fall semester two years after matriculation. The Assistant Dean for Student Services must certify at the time of withdrawal that the student had a valid reason for, and was a good faith student before withdrawal. The student must notify the School of Law in writing of his or her intent to return not later than April 15 preceding the academic year for which the student wishes to return.
An LL.M. student who withdraws during the second semester and has completed the first semester with a grade point average of 2.5 or above is entitled to readmission one time as a student either for the spring semester at the beginning of the academic year one year after matriculation or for the spring semester at the beginning of the academic year two years after matriculation. The student must notify the School of Law in writing of his or her intent to return no later than June 1 preceding the academic year for which the student wishes to return. A returning student does not have to repeat first term courses that he or she passed.
An LL.M. student who withdraws during the second semester and has completed the first semester with a grade point average below 2.5 may apply for readmission as an LL.M. student for the fall semester at the beginning of one, but not both, of the next two succeeding academic years. The student must notify the Assistant Dean for Student Services or the Assistant Dean of LL.M. and International Programs in writing of his or her intent to apply for readmission no later than June 1 preceding the academic year for which readmission is sought. Readmission is at the discretion of, and subject to any special conditions imposed by the Assistant Dean for Student Services.
A withdrawal or leave of absence does not extend the time limit for the completion of requirements for the LL.M. degree.
A student returning to the Law School after an absence of more than two consecutive standard-term semesters must fulfill the degree requirements that apply to the expected graduating class that the student is joining.