1Ls and 2Ls: 2024-2025 SBA Board Elections: Students interested in running for the SBA board can submit their candidacy statement by Sunday, April 7. Review Dr. J's email on April 3 for more information.
Graduates: 2024 Commencement: The ticket request portal closes on Friday, April 12. Continue to visit the Commencement website for important updates.
3Ls: Mandatory Exit Career Counseling: Schedule an exit counseling appointment with your primary counselor. Complete the exit counseling survey by Thursday, April 25. Refer to Dean Deol's email on April 1 for more details.
UCI Law Review: Publish Your Student Note: The UCI Law Review is soliciting student notes and comments on any topic for an upcoming issue. Review the content guidelines and send your submission to lawreview.articles@lawnet.uci.edu by Monday, May 20.
Office Hours with Dean Jones & Dean Jones: Dr. J and Dean Jones will be in the library the next two Thursdays from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Feel free to stop by with quick questions. For 3Ls, this is a great time to stop by and have them practice pronouncing your name in preparation for commencement.
Donuts with the Dean: Monday, April 15, 12:00pm to 1:00pm, Law Courtyard: Join Dean Parrish for this informal event to ask any questions or to simply say hello!
Pro Bono & Student Life Awards: Thursday, April 18, 5:00pm to 7:00pm, DCE - Yosemite Rooms: Come celebrate all of the accomplishments of our students, faculty, and staff! Anna Davis will announce and present pro bono awards. We will also announce the results of the student-nominated and student-voted SBA Awards. Vote for your peers, faculty, and staff here by Thursday, April 11 at noon!
End of the Year Carnival: Monday, April 22, 12:00pm to 1:00pm, Law Courtyard: Celebrate the end of the year with a photo booth, some fun games, yummy treats, and good times!