Requesting Graded Exams: See 1/10 email from Registrar Tera Holmes for details on how to request your graded exam from Fall 2024.
Virtual Job Interviews: Restart your computer to prevent issues with audio or video during a virtual interview.
1Ls: ASP 1L Skills Development Workshop Series: See Canvas page for all workshops.
1Ls: American Bar Association's Section of Legal Education Survey: The Council of the Section of Legal Education and the Admissions to the Bar of the ABA would like to understand the composition of UCI Law's student body and of first-year law students nationally to enforce its standards and to provide accurate consumer information. Click here to take the 5-minute survey. The deadline is extended to February 14.
Deborah Newquist and Joe DiMento Law Scholarship: For any law student in good academic standing, this scholarship considers both financial need and demonstrated interest in any of the following areas: international law and environmental law. All fields will be weighed equally in the selection process. One-time award of up to $5,000. See 1/23 email from Nasreen Zia for application link. Apply by Wednesday, February 12 at 4:00pm.
3Ls: Carrie Menkel-Meadow and Robert Meadow Public Interest Scholarship: Students who intend to pursue a career in public interest law upon graduation and are in good academic standing are welcome to apply to win a one-time award of up to $10,000. See 1/23 email from Nasreen Zia for application link. Apply by Wednesday, February 12 at 4:00pm.
3Ls: Edward Medina Law Scholarship: In memory of UCI Law student Edward Medina, who passed away in 2024. Students in good academic standing, and who demonstrate a commitment to serving the Latinx community, are welcome to apply to win a one-time award of up to $5,000. See 1/23 email from Nasreen Zia for application link. Apply by Wednesday, February 12 at 4:00pm.
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