Why Choose UC Irvine School of Law?
For a detailed look at how UC Irvine School of Law compares with other top national schools in the U.S. across major rankings, see the list below.
Since its inception in 2009, UC Irvine School of Law has distinguished itself with an innovative curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary perspectives, practical training, social justice advocacy, experiential learning, and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our students engage in real-world legal work from day one, guided by highly regarded faculty recognized worldwide for their expertise.

Overall Rankings and Reputation
The major global rankings rank UC Irvine School of Law within the top 15 to 20 law schools in the United States.

Quality of Programs
A 2024 ranking of specialty programs listed UC Irvine School of Law as No. 11 in the U.S. for the overall quality of specialty programs. UC Irvine School of Law is a top law school for business law, criminal law, tax law, legal technology, international law and public policy.

Quality of Teaching and Faculty
Princeton Review in 2023 ranked UC Irvine School of Law No. 2 for quality of faculty teaching and No. 10 for academic experience. Additionally, the faculty ranked No. 9 overall and the top public law school for academic impact, with a 2024 study listing them No. 20 for academic influence.

Support of Students
In winter 2024, PreLaw Magazine ranked us No. 1 in the U.S. for our support of Asian students, No. 9 for Hispanic students, and No. 25 for Black students. Princeton Review (2023) ranked us No. 10 for the academic experience we provide students.

Future Jobs and Careers
In 2024, UC Irvine School of Law was listed as No. 20 as a go-to law school for the number of our students securing jobs at the largest U.S. law firms. In 2023, UC Irvine School of Law was ranked No. 15 for our graduates’ high salary-to-debt ratio. We were listed No. 1 in California and No. 4 nationally for practical training in 2025. We are listed No. 18 in the nation for federal clerkships, No. 2 in California, and No. 23 in the nation for large law firm jobs by Law 360.

A Commitment to Public Interest Lawyering
We are the best school in the U.S. for public interest lawyering, with one of the largest pro bono programs in the nation. Over the last 15 years, our students have volunteered 160,000 legal service hours, choosing from over 100 pro bono projects starting the second semester of their first year. Our clinical program is one of the largest in the nation when compared to our student size, with 19 to 20 clinics each year.

A Diverse Community
Over 50 percent of our students are students of color, and more than 25 percent identify as first-generation. In the first-year class of 2023, 30 percent identified as LGBTQ+. We don’t have legacy admissions. In winter 2024, PreLaw Magazine ranked us as one of the top law schools for diversity. Princeton Review ranked us No. 7 for faculty diversity in 2023, and we are No. 17 among racial justice law schools.

Location and Quality of Life
Students come to Orange County to launch their careers nationwide. As a national school, we offer programs in New York and Washington, D.C., while providing an unparalleled experience in Irvine for three years or more.
Overall Rankings - Reputation and Quality
Law School
Academic Rankings of World Universities
(Shanghai Global, Law, 2023) |
QS World University Rankings
(Law/Legal Studies, 2024) |
U.S. News and World Report Rankings
(2024 - Law) |
Fortuna, Combined Rankings
(2023 – Law) |
Rankings, Revealed Preferences (2023), Table A1
UC Irvine
#26 |
Texas (Austin)
Boston Univ.
USC (Gould)
Emory Univ.
Not ranked
UC Davis
Not ranked
Wash. U.
Not ranked
Student Support: Supportive, Inclusive Communities
Law School
Best Professors - Teaching
(Princeton Review, 2023) |
Most Diverse
(PreLaw, Winter 23) |
UC Irvine |
A (#18)*
Not ranked
Vanderbilt |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Michigan |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Boston Univ. |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Cornell |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Northwestern |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Wash. U. |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Texas (Austin) |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
UC Davis |
Not ranked
Minnesota |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
USC (Gould) |
Not ranked
B+ |
Not ranked
Florida |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Emory Univ. |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
*only school listed in top 25
The Best Training: Preparing Students Fully, Career Support
Law School
Clinical Training (U.S. News, 2024) |
Lawyering Skills/Legal Writing
(U.S. News, 2024) |
Career Support
(Princeton Review, 2023) |
Go-To Law School
(Law.com, 2024) |
% of Public Interest Positions (2023 Grads)
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not included
UC Irvine
Wash. U.
#26 |
Not ranked
#43 |
Not ranked |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Texas (Austin)
Not ranked
#94 |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Boston Univ.
Not ranked
Not ranked
UC Davis
#128 |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked
USC (Gould)
Not ranked
Not ranked
Emory Univ.
Not ranked
Not ranked
Faculty Quality – Scholarly Distinction and Impact of Faculty
Law School
Academic Impact Study
(Heald & Sichelman, 2019) |
Forward Looking Academic Impact
(M. Sag, 2023) |
Scholarly Impact Study (Sisk et al. 2024)
Faculty Quality
(Leiter Blog, 2023) |
Scholarly Distinction
(Leiter Blog, 2022) |
Top 28 Law Faculty, Citation Sources (Beatty, 2022), Table 18
UC Irvine
Texas (Austin)
#18 |
UC Davis
Not ranked
Wash. U.
Not ranked
Boston Univ.
Emory Univ.
Not ranked
USC (Gould)
Not ranked
Not ranked
#30 |
Not ranked
Not ranked
Not ranked