Assignments in a semester-long course must be turned in by the close of business on the final day of instruction for that semester. Faculty may set an earlier or later deadline for assignments applicable to all members of the class; notice to students of the earlier or later deadline must be provided in writing.
A student unable to complete a requirement for a course may:
Request an extension of time from the instructor. If granted, the instructor and the student will agree on a date for the completion of the course requirements prior to or by the deadlines listed below. A written document signed by the student, instructor, and Assistant Dean for Student Services will be filed in the Law School Registrar’s office until such time as the student completes the course requirements.
Request an extension of time for reasons that the student has disclosed to the Assistant Dean for Student Services. The Assistant Dean for Student Services will consult with the instructor to arrange a date for the completion of the course requirements prior to or by the deadlines listed below. A written document signed by the student, instructor, and Assistant Dean for Student Services will be filed in the Law School Registrar’s office until such time as the student completes the course requirements.
The student will receive an Incomplete in the course.
Incompletes must be completed no later than the following deadlines (instructors may set earlier deadlines).
Courses, including Directed Research, that fulfill the Upper-Level Writing Requirement:
Noon on the second Friday after the last day of final examinations in the semester in which the student graduates.
Fall semester courses that do not fulfill the Upper-Level Writing Requirement:
a) Students graduating in the fall semester in which they enrolled in a fall class must complete the coursework by noon on the second Friday after the last day of final examinations in the fall semester.
b) Students not graduating in the fall semester in which they enrolled in a fall class must complete the course by noon on the Friday prior to the last day of instruction of the spring semester of the same academic year.
Spring semester courses that do not fulfill the Upper-Level Writing Requirement:
a) Students graduating in the spring semester in which they enrolled in a spring class must complete the coursework by noon on the second Friday after the last day of final examinations in the spring semester.
b) Students not graduating in the spring semester in which they enrolled in the spring class must complete the course by noon on the second Friday in July of the same academic year.
Visiting students:
If the student is a visitor, the Law School Registrar will notify the instructor and the visiting student of any special deadlines that apply.
Once the course requirements are completed, the instructor must file an Academic Record Change Request with the Law School Registrar to change the Incomplete grade to a letter grade. The grade change must be filed within the time period specified in VII.K.
Students who do not satisfactorily complete the course work within the time limits stated above will receive no credit for the course and the Incomplete will be transformed to the letter grade of “F” and will be so recorded on the student transcript. The instructor must file an Academic Record Change Request with the Law School Registrar to change the Incomplete grade to the letter grade. The grade change must be filed within the time period specified in VII.K.