Alumni Spotlight: Tiffany Yim '18, Counsel at Isuzu North America Corporation

Tiffany Yim, Counsel at Isuzu North America Corporation, advises on a variety of corporate, contract, and employment law matters. Prior to joining Isuzu, Tiffany graduated from UC Irvine Law in 2018 and represented employers in litigation.  
photo of Tiffany Yim
Q: How did UCI Law prepare you for your legal practice?
UCI law’s wide array of courses gave me a solid foundation for my current legal practice. When I was in law school, I hadn’t yet decided what type of law I wanted to practice so I took a variety of courses that interested me. When I was job hunting, I found that the foundation UCI Law provided allowed me to apply for positions in all sectors.

Q: What do you like best about your work?
Working in-house, I appreciate the opportunity to work collaboratively with “opposing counsel.” Unlike litigation, which can sometimes feel zero-sum, working in-house is almost always collaborative with legal counsel from other companies or with business units within our company. It's helpful to all have the same goal.

Q: What was the best part about being a student at UCI Law?

The best part about being a student at UCI Law is the personal and professional connections that you make. The school provides so many opportunities to find and be a mentor, and those relationships develop over the years into deep friendships.

Q: How do you stay involved with the UCI Law community?
I stay involved with the UCI Law community by keeping in touch with fellow alumni around the country, virtually and in-person. In particular, I’m really looking forward to the upcoming class of 2018 reunion in September, to see how everyone has been and how our careers have taken shape.