Our Faculty

UC Irvine Law faculty are some of the nation’s leading scholars and teachers, representing a broad range of expertise, including antitrust; biotechnology; business law; civil procedure; civil rights; constitutional law; consumer law; criminal law; diversity, education and law; equality and discrimination; election law; environmental law; gender and law; government regulation and policy; health law; immigration law; intellectual property and cyberlaw; international dispute resolution; international law and securities; labor and employment law; law and pop culture; law and psychology; law and social sciences; legal ethics and professional responsibility; tax law; and urban planning. A 2021 study of Scholarly Impact of Law School Faculties ranks UC Irvine Law No. 14 in the U.S.

Full-Time Faculty

  • Prof. Archer portrait

    Cindy Thomas Archer

    Associate Dean for Equity
    Professor of Lawyering Skills

    Expertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Civil Litigation Practice; Lawyer-Client Relationship; Professional Responsibility; Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills; Cultural Humility in Client Representation; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education

  • Prof. Ashar portait

    Sameer Ashar

    Clinical Professor of Law

    Expertise: Clinical Legal Education; Law and Social Movements; Labor Law; Immigration Law; Legal Profession

  • Prof. Ballakrishnen portrait

    Swethaa Ballakrishnen

    Professor of Law 
    Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development
    Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession

    sballakrishnen@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7979

    Expertise: Legal Profession, Gender, Critical Feminist and Queer Theory, Global Souths, India

  • Prof. Baradaran portrait

    Mehrsa Baradaran

    Professor of Law

    Expertise: Banking Law; Contracts; Property; Housing; Inequality

  • Mario Barnes

    Chancellor's Professor of Law

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Constitutional Law; National Security Law; Race and the Law

  • Prof. Blank portrait

    Joshua D. Blank

    Professor of Law
    Director of the UCI Law in NYC Program
    jblank@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4807

    Expertise: Tax Administration and Compliance; Taxation of Business Entities; Taxpayer Privacy and Tax Transparency

  • Courtney Cahill portrait

    Courtney Cahill

    Chancellor's Professor of Law

    Expertise: Constitutional law, anti-discrimination law, reproductive rights, sex equality, LGBTQ equality

  • Prof. Camacho portrait

    Alejandro Camacho

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    UCI Law Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources
    acamacho@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4160

    Expertise: Environmental and Natural Resources Law; Land Use Regulation; Government Regulation and Policy


  • Robert S. Chang

    Robert S. Chang

    Professor of Law and Sylvia Mendez Presidential Chair for Civil Rights
    Executive Director of the UC Irvine School of Law Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality

  • Prof. Cohen portrait

    Linda Cohen

    Professor of Economics and Law
    linda.cohen@uci.edu / (949) 824-5189

    Expertise: Political Economy; Government Regulation and Policy; Economics and Law

  • Adam Cowing portrait

    Adam Cowing

    Assistant Clinical Professor of Law
    acowing@law.uci.edu/ (949) 824-3897

    Expertise: Community and Economic Development, Affordable Housing Law and Policy

  • Prof. Croskery-Roberts portrait

    Rachel Croskery-Roberts

    Associate Dean for Lawyering Skills
    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    rcroskery@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9267

    Expertise: Lawyering Skills; Individual Employment Law; Employment Discrimination Law; Persuasion/Rhetoric; Business Drafting

  • Prof. DiMento portrait

    Joe DiMento

    Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus

    Expertise: Environmental Law; International Public Law; Urban Planning

  • Veena Dubal portrait

    Veena Dubal

    Professor of Law
    (949) 824-4794

    Expertise: Employment and Labor Law

  • Prof. Fleischer portrait

    Victor Fleischer

    Professor of Law

    Expertise: Partnership Tax; Federal Taxation; Tax; Private Equity Law; Tax Policy; Corporate Finance; Business and Corporate Law; Corporate Tax; Financial Market Regulation

  • Prof. Garth portrait

    Bryant Garth

    Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus 
    Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession

    Expertise: Globalization; Legal Profession

  • Chancellor Gillman portrait

    Howard Gillman

    UCI Chancellor
    Professor of Law, Political Science and Criminology, Law & Society
    chancellor@uci.edu / (949) 824-5011

    Expertise: American Constitutionalism; Judicial Politics

  • Andrew Gold portrait

    Andrew Gold

    Professor of Law and Philosophy 

    Expertise: Private Law Theory; Fiduciary Law; Law of Corporations

  • Prof. Gustafson portrait

    Kaaryn Gustafson

    Professor of Law
    Director, Center on Law, Equality and Race (CLEaR)
    kgustafson@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4029

    Expertise:  Law and Inequality; Empirical Research; Critical Race Theory

  • Kevin Haeberle portrait

    Kevin Haeberle

    Professor of Law
    khaeberle@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2793

    Expertise: Corporate law and securities law (including focuses on insider-trading law as well as financial-instrument trading markets, broker-dealers, exchanges, investment companies, and ETFs and their regulation)

  • Prof. Hempel portrait

    Carrie Hempel

    Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Community and Economic Development Clinic
    chempel@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3575

    Expertise: Clinical Education; Community & Economic Development; Post-Conviction Remedies

  • Prof. Jiménez portrait

    Dalié Jiménez

    Professor of Law
    Director, Student Loan Law Initiative
    djimenez@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-0066

    Expertise: Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor Law; Credit and Debt Collection Markets; Credit Reporting; Student Loans; Access to Civil Justice; Randomized Control Trials in Law

  • Prof. Kaye portrait

    David Kaye

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, International Justice Clinic
    dkaye@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2427

    Expertise: Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law; Public International Law; International Criminal Justice; and Freedom of Expression

  • Prof. Kim portrait

    Sung Eun (Summer) Kim

    Professor of Law
    Director, Korea Law Center
    skim@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4946

    Expertise: Private Equity; Corporate Law; Corporate Finance; Financial Regulation; Contracts

  • Prof. Lai portrait

    Annie Lai

    Co-Associate Dean for Experiential Education
    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Immigrant Rights Clinic
    alai@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9894

    Expertise: Immigration Law; Civil Rights; Workers’ Rights; Clinical Legal Education

  • Prof. Dana Lee portrait

    Dana Lee

    Assistant Professor of Law and Mohannad and Rana Malas Scholar in Islamic Legal Studies
    dlee@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3892

    Expertise: Islamic Law; Intellectual and Social History of the Islamic World; Jurisprudence; Comparative Law; Property

  • Prof. Lee portrait

    Stephen Lee

    Professor of Law
    slee@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3731

    Expertise: Administrative Law; Immigration Law

  • Prof. Lerner portrait

    Jack Lerner

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Intellectual Property, Arts and Technology Clinic
    jlerner@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7684

    Expertise: Intellectual Property; Technology

  • Prof. Leslie portrait

    Christopher Leslie

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    Director, Competition, Antitrust Law, and Innovation Forum (CALIF)
    cleslie@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-5556

    Expertise: Antitrust; Intellectual Property; Class Action Settlements; Sexual Orientation and the Law

  • Prof. Li portrait

    Ji Li

    John & Marilyn Long Professor of US-China Business and Law
    jli@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2750

    Expertise: Chinese Law and Politics; International Business Transactions; Comparative Law; Contracts; Empirical Legal Studies

  • Prof. Loftus portrait

    Elizabeth Loftus

    Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law & Society; Cognitive Science; and Law
    eloftus@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3285

    Expertise: Psychology and Law; Human Memory

  • Prof. Marian portrait

    Omri Marian

    Professor of Law
    omarian@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-6493

    Expertise: International Taxation; Comparative Taxation; Taxation of Financial Instruments

  • Susan McMahon portrait

    Susan McMahon

    Professor of Lawyering Skills

    Expertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Legal Education; Criminal Law; Mental Health

  • Prof. Menkel-Meadow portrait

    Carrie Menkel-Meadow

    Distinguished and Chancellor's Professor of Law
    cmeadow@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-1987

    Expertise: International and Comparative Law; Dispute Resolution; Legal Profession and Legal Ethics; Civil Procedure; Law and Society; Legal Education; Feminist Legal Theory and Law; Literature and Popular Culture

  • Prof. Mikkor portrait

    Alison Mikkor

    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    amikkor@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-8000

    Expertise: Legal Analysis and Communication; Civil Litigation Practice; Appellate Practice; Lawyer-Client Relationship; Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills; Professional Responsibility; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education

  • Prof. Moran portrait

    Rachel Moran

    Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Law Emeritus
    rmoran@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9949

    Expertise: Civil Rights; Education Law and Policy; Higher Education and Affirmative Action; Latino-Related Law and Policy; Legal Education; Torts

  • Dean Austen Parrish

    Austen Parrish

    Dean and Chancellor's Professor of Law
    aparrish@law.uci.edu(949) 824-7722

    Expertise: Transnational Law and Litigation, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Federal Courts

  • Prof. Porter portrait

    Katherine Porter

    Professor of Law

    Expertise: Bankruptcy, consumer law, legislation process, statutory interpretation, mortgage foreclosure, debt collection, empirical studies of legal systems

  • Prof. Reese portrait

    Tony Reese

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    treese@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4745

    Expertise: Copyright Law; Trademark Law

  • L. Song Richardson portrait

    L. Song Richardson

    Chancellor’s Professor of Law

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Law and Social Science; Race and the Law; Leadership; Policing; Implicit Racial and Gender Bias

  • Prof. Robinson-Dorn portrait

    Michael Robinson-Dorn

    Co-Associate Dean for Experiential Education
    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Environmental Law Clinic
    mrobinsondorn@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-1043

    Expertise: Advice and Counseling; Litigation; Administrative and Policy Advocacy; Administrative Law; Natural Resources Law; Environmental Law

  • Prof. Robinson-Dorn portrait

    Trilby Robinson-Dorn

    Vice Dean
    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    trobinsondorn@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9638

    Expertise: Business Transactions; Contract Drafting; Employment Discrimination; Employment Law; Lawyering Skills; Client Counseling; Trial Advocacy

  • Prof. Ross portrait

    Ezra Ross

    Professor of Lawyering Skills
    eross@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9743

    Expertise: Lawyering Skills; Legal Profession

  • Prof. Simons portrait

    Kenneth W. Simons

    Chancellor's Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Center for Legal Philosophy
    ksimons@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3863

    Expertise: Torts; Criminal Law; Moral and Political Philosophy

  • Prof. Solomon portrait

    Robert Solomon

    Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law Emeritus
    Co-Director, Community and Economic Development Clinic
    Co-Chair, UCI Center for the Study of Cannabis
    rsolomon@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9719

    Expertise: Community & Economic Development; Housing; Evidence; Trial Advocacy

  • Prof. Song portrait

    Ji Seon Song

    Assistant Professor of Law

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Policing, Race and the Law; Juvenile Law

  • Prof. Southworth portrait

    Ann Southworth

    Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
    asouthworth@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2917

    Expertise: Legal Profession; Professional Responsibility; Cause Lawyers

  • Prof. Stoever portrait

    Jane Stoever

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Domestic Violence Clinic
    Director, Initiative to End Family Violence
    jstoever@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3418

    Expertise: Clinical Legal Education; Domestic Violence Law; Family Law

  • Prof. Talesh portrait

    Shauhin Talesh

    Professor of Law
    Director, Law and Graduate Studies Program
    stalesh@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9214

    Expertise: Civil Procedure; Consumer Law; Insurance; Organizations; Empirical Legal Studies; Law and Society; Law and Inequality; Law and Social Change

  • Prof. Taylor Poppe portrait

    Emily Taylor Poppe

    Professor of Law
    Faculty Director, UCI Law Civil Justice Research Initiative
    etaylorpoppe@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-2986

    Expertise: Access to Justice; Wills & Trusts; the Legal Profession; Civil Procedure; Law & Society; Inequality and Law

  • Prof. Tice portrait

    Beatrice Tice

    Professor of the Practice of Law
    btice@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-7327

    Expertise: International Law; Comparative Law; Legal Profession; Legal Research and Writing

  • Prof. Tinto portrait

    Katharine Tinto

    Clinical Professor of Law
    Director, Criminal Justice Clinic
    ktinto@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9247

    Expertise: Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Criminal Defense

  • Prof. Tonner portrait

    Grace Tonner

    Distinguished Professor of Lawyering Skills
    gtonner@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-4037

    Expertise: Lawyering Skills

  • Charles Tyler portrait

    Charles Tyler

    Assistant Professor of Law

    Expertise: Federal Courts, Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure

  • Prof. Vandell portrait

    Kerry Vandell

    Dean's Professor Emeritus of Real Estate and Law
    kvandell@uci.edu / (949) 824-1985

    Expertise: Real Estate Law; Business Law

  • Ari Waldman portrait

    Ari Waldman

    Professor of Law
    awaldman@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-9949

    Expertise: Privacy law, law and technology, sociolegal studies, empirical methods, digital governance, science and technology studies, LGBTQ+/queer studies

  • Prof. Weinstein portrait

    Henry Weinstein

    Professor Emeritus of Lawyering Skills
    hweinstein@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-3642

    Expertise: Media Law; Lawyering Skills

  • Prof. Whytock portrait

    Christopher Whytock

    Professor of Law
    Co-Director, Center in Law, Society and Culture
    cwhytock@law.uci.edu / (949) 824-0496

    Expertise: Conflict of Laws; International Law; Transnational Litigation; Empirical Legal Studies

Adjunct Faculty and Directors


Academic Skills

Affiliated Faculty

Visiting Faculty