Rachel Moran

Civil Rights, Education Law and Policy, Higher Education and Affirmative Action, Latino-Related Law and Policy, Legal Education, Torts
Rachel Moran is a Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Law at UCI Law. Prior to her appointment, she was the Michael J. Connell Distinguished Professor of Law and Dean Emerita at UCLA Law. Before that, Prof. Moran was the Robert D. and Leslie-Kay Raven Professor of Law at UC Berkeley School of Law. She also was a founding faculty member of UCI Law from July 2008 to June 2010.
Prof. Moran’s expertise includes educational policy-making and the law, Latino-related law and policy, race and the law, legal education and the legal profession, and torts. She has been a visiting law professor at Fordham University, Harvard University, New York University, Stanford University, UCLA, the University of Miami and the University of Texas.
In 2011, she was selected by President Obama to serve on the Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise. Prof. Moran also has previously served as President and Executive Committee member of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS). In 2015, she became the inaugural Neukom Fellows Research Chair in Diversity and Law at the American Bar Foundation. She is a member of the American Bar Foundation and the American Law Institute, and she is a Fellow of the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles. Prof. Moran has been inducted into the Chancery Club of Los Angeles and the Lincoln Club, and she was elected to the Beverly Hills Bar Association’s Board of Governors. Prof. Moran received her A.B. in psychology from Stanford University and her J.D. from Yale Law School.
Throughout her career, Prof. Moran's work has focused on sources of inequality and sites of opportunity. Her book on "Interracial Intimacy: The Regulation of Race and Romance" explored the role of family and private life in producing racial stratification and separation. Her extensive and ongoing research on educational access and equity evaluates how public schools shape the lives of the nation's most vulnerable students, whether they are children of color, live in poverty, are undocumented, or speak a language other than English. Prof. Moran's current project on "The Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity, and Mobility" explores how law and policy will affect the mobility and opportunity of the country's burgeoning Latino population in four key areas: immigration, education, economic participation, and civic and political engagement.
(Log in to view full course descriptions in the UCI Law Course Catalog)
- Rachel Moran, Dreamers Interrupted: The Case of the Rescission of the Program of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, 53 UC Davis Law Review (forthcoming 2020).
- Rachel Moran, The Three Ages of Modern American Lawyering and the Current Crisis in the Legal Profession and Legal Education, 58 Santa Clara University Law Review 453 (2019).
- Rachel Moran, Bakke’s Lasting Legacy: Redefining the Landscape of Equality and Liberty in Civil Rights Law, 52 UC Davis Law Review 2571 (2019).
- Rachel Moran, The Constitution of Opportunity: Democratic Equality, Economic Inequality, and the Right to Compete, in A Federal Right to Education: Fundamental Questions for Our Democracy 261 (Kimberly Jenkins Robinson ed. 2019).
- Rachel Moran Et Al., Educational Policy and the Law (Cengage; 5th ed. 2011).
- Race Law Stories (Rachel Moran & Devon W. Carbado, eds.) (Foundation 2008).
- Rachel Moran, Interracial Intimacy: The Regulation of Race and Romance (Chicago 2001).
- April 20, 2023:
Panelist "A Perfect Storm for Legal Education: Polarization, Privatization, and Pedagogy," University of Pittsburgh School of Law - March 20, 2023:
Speaker, “The End of Affirmative Action and the Future of Jewish Inclusion,” Webinar on the Supreme Court and Affirmative Action, Academic Engagement Network, Washington, D.C. - March 11, 2023:
Speaker, “From E-Commerce to Digital Courts: Emerging Ethical Challenges for the American Legal Profession,” International Legal Ethics Symposium in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan - March 9, 2023:
Speaker, “Legal Education in the United States,” Tsukuba Law School, Tokyo, Japan, March 9, 2023 - Feb 10, 2023:
Presenter, Personhood, Property, and Public Education: The Case of Plyler v. Doe, Columbia Law Review Symposium - Feb 3, 2023:
Speaker, A Dream Deferred: Never to Come or Misbegotten, Berkeley Law - Jan. 21, 2022:
Moderator, Legal Studies in a Post-COVID World, Willamette University, Online - Nov. 16, 2020:
Panelist, Advancing Racial Equity in the Legal Profession, Live with Kellye & Ken, Online - Oct. 15, 2020:
Speaker, Mendez, Hernandez, and Beyond, Library of Congress Hispanic Division, Online - April 2, 2020:
Panelist, Should the United States Recognize a Federal Right to Education?, Conference on A Federal Right to Education: Fundamental Questions for Our Democracy, University of Virginia Law School, Charlottesville, VA - March 27-28, 2020:
Panelist, Retrospective on the Constitution in 2020, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA - Feb. 28-March 7, 2020:
Fellow, Haigler Institute for Advanced Studies, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX - Jan. 4, 2020:
Moderator, Panel on Scholarship, AALS Workshop for Pretenured Law Teachers of Color, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. - Jan. 4, 2020:
Moderator, Implications of the 2020 Census for Traditionally Marginalized Communities, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. - Jan. 3, 2020:
Panelist, Hot Topics Program on Ranking Legal Scholarship: U.S. News & World Report’s New Metric and Its Effect on the Legal Academy, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. - Jan. 3, 2020:
Panelist, Open Source Program: Author Meets Readers: Unequal Profession: Race and Gender in Legal Academia by Meera E. Deo, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. - Jan. 2, 2020:
Introducer, Panel on Reflections on Leadership, Public Interest Lawyering and the Legal Profession, AALS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. - Nov. 14, 2019:
Panelist, Proposition 187, Political Participation and Identity, Symposium on The 25th Anniversary of Proposition 187: Challenges and Opportunities for Immigration Integration and Political Identity in California, UC Davis Law School, Davis, CA - Nov. 1-2, 2019:
Organizer and Participant, Roundtable on the South for “The Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity, and Mobility,” Duke Law School, Raleigh, NC - Aug. 11, 2019:
Panelist, From Brown to Now: Legal Responses to Resegregation of Schools, ABA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA - Aug. 8, 2019:
Panelist, What Long-Term Change Can Make Legal Education More Affordable?, Uncomfortable Conversations About Legal Education: Student Debt, Diversity, and More, ABA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- The Daily Journal: Prof. Rachel Moran's article, "Public norms or private autonomy," which discusses Peltier v. Charter Day School, was published in the Daily Journal
- Fox News: Prof. Moran quoted in Fox News on affirmative action in higher education admissions
- Best Colleges: Prof. Moran comments on SCOTUS cases that challenge affirmative action in college
- Legal Talk Network: LISTEN: Prof. Moran discusses affirmative action in higher education and the impact the Harvard and UNC Supreme Court cases could have on college admissions
- Boston Globe: Prof. Moran quoted on the Supreme Court’s decision to review Harvard affirmative action college admissions case
- Race and the Law Prof Blog: Prof. Moran-led Law and Society Association committee highlighted for advocacy work to reject scholarly impact metric from U.S. News rankings
- UCI News: The Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity, and Mobility project, led by Prof. Moran, highlighted
- UCI Law: UCI Law Distinguished Professor of Law Rachel F. Moran Named to Law and Society Association’s Board of Trustees and Affiliated Faculty Member Eve Darian-Smith to Serve as Secretary
- Law and Society Association: Prof. Moran elected to Law and Society Association Board of Trustees
- UCI Law: UCI Law Distinguished Professor of Law Rachel F. Moran named 2020-21 Hagler Fellow
- Bostong Globe: Prof. Moran quoted on Harvard University affirmative action case
- CGTN: Prof. Moran comments on ruling in Harvard University admission practices case, affirmative action
- BackStory: LISTEN: Prof. Moran discusses the 1933 case of Roldan v Los Angeles County
- Boston Globe: Prof. Moran on what's next in the Harvard affirmative action case
- Chronicle of Higher Education: Prof. Moran and Mark G. Yudof op-ed: Now More Than Ever, We Need Diversity in Admissions
- Chronicle of Higher Education: Prof. Moran and Mark G. Yudof op-ed: Affirmative Action: Why Now and What's Next?
- Chronicle of Higher Education: Prof. Moran and Mark G. Yudof op-ed: Race-Conscious Admissions Policies Face More Tests After 'Fisher'