Scholarship & Leadership
Endowed Faculty Chairs
[minimum endowment gift - $3 million per faculty chair endowment]
Our stellar faculty contribute to the rich fabric of UCI Law, developing new teaching strategies and enhancing our impact across every field. As key thought leaders and researchers, our faculty influence policy, law and the legal profession. Support UCI Law’s scholarly impact through endowed faculty chairs. Give to UCI Law >
Endowed Dean's Chair
[minimum endowment gift - $5 million]
UCI Law has experienced extraordinary, visionary leadership. Our deans have brought groundbreaking scholarship, national influence, and unparalleled commitment to developing the law and its lawyers. To recognize this scholar-leader role at UCI Law, we are seeking an endowed Dean’s Chair named in honor of the donor. Give to UCI Law >
Centers, Institutes and Initiatives
[minimum endowment gift - $1,000,000; minimum current use gift - $25,000]
Our brilliant faculty continue to build their expertise and influence in law and society as researchers, thought leaders, interdisciplinary conveners, community educators, and policy advocates. Our centers, institutes and initiatives serve as bridges to the community and contribute to making UCI Law a nationally recognized site for scholarship, education and impact. Give to UCI Law >
UCI Law Centers Include:
- Center for Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies
- Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy
- Center for Empirical Research on the Legal Profession
- Center on Globalization, Law, and Society
- Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources
- Center on Law, Equality and Race
- Center in Law, Society and Culture
- Center for Legal Philosophy
- Center for the Study of Cannabis
- Civil Justice Research Initiative
- Competition, Antitrust Law, and Innovation Forum (CALIF)
- Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute
- Initiative to End Family Violence
- Korea Law Center
- The Long U.S.-China Institute
- Student Loan Law Initiative