Floor Plan
Looking for a book you found in a catalog? Here's where to go if you have the Location and Call Number.
- In Library Search, Moore's Federal Practice is at: Law Library Reading Room KF 8820 .A313 M632
- In the map below, it's upstairs on the Second Floor in the Reading Room.
Second Floor - Upstairs
- A second level floor plan of the UCI Law Library is shown. The Front Desk, Reference Office, and Faculty Display (where we showcase publications written or edited by UCI Law faculty) are located near the entrance on the top right.
- The center of the floor plan shows the Inclusive Restrooms, Scanner, Course Reserves, and Print Release Station.
- Study areas are shown in the center of the floor plan with computers located towards the top right. The Reading Room (KF 154 - 9999), contains mostly United States secondary material located in the bottom left. Numbered Study Rooms are located on the left side of the floor plan.
First Floor - Downstairs
- A floor plan of the UCI Law Library’s first floor is shown. The top right shows the California Room, which is a space for collaboration.
- A hallway in the middle of the floor plan shows Restrooms and a Drinking Fountain. The left of the floor plan includes stairs leading to the second floor, additional study areas, and stacks starting from the middle going out to the left (KFC 68-1199, KF 1-KF 101, KF 101 – KF 135.N7, KF135.P2 – KZ, Non-Law A-J, L-Z, Journals K 1 – K 36, and Superseded A-Z). You'll find primary, international, periodical, forieign, and other materials in the Stacks.
- Non-Law A-J, L-Z has everything else.
About call numbers
Have you noticed that most of the call numbers in the Law Library seem to start with K, KF, or KFC? That's because:
- K is the Library of Congress Classification number for Law,
- KF is Law - United States, and
- KFC is Law - United States - California.
See our guide to the Law Library Print Collection for more information about call numbers and subject areas.