Student Services

Law Library services for UCI Law students help them succeed in their scholarly and experiential work. For questions about law student services, ask any Law Librarian at the reference desk.

Course Reserve Books

Course reserve books are located in a cabinet in the Print Room on the 2nd floor. They can be used in the Law Library for two hours at a time.

To see if course reserve books are available to check out, use Library Search / Course Reserves and search for all or part of the:

  • course name (e.g. Common Law Analysis)
  • instructor name (e.g. Kim), or
  • title of the book (e.g. contract law).

Also helpful is the Main Libraries searchable list of the current term's course reserves (campus-wide):

The cabinet works as a self-check-out machine; use your UCI ID to unlock the cabinet, and remove or return books as needed. For more information, see this video:


UCI Law subsidizes student submission fees for publication in law reviews using Scholastica.

  • Students are limited to $200 total during their time at UCI Law (unless students receive additional approval).
  • Alumni are eligible for reimbursed Scholastica submissions for six months after graduation.
  • Reimbursements are available only after your faculty advisor approves your manuscript for submission.

For more details, see the Article Submissions policy page. 

Email a Law Librarian

Law librarians and research specialists respond to email from law students during regular desk hours.

Send reference questions to:

Tips for great reference email exchanges:

  • Don't share confidential information about cases or clients.
  • Do let us know what you've already tried.
  • Do contact us at the beginning of your project to get suggestions for the best secondary sources and other starting points.