Prof. Swethaa Ballakrishnen Honored for Research Articles

UCI Law congratulates Prof. Swethaa Ballakrishnen for winning the 2019 Best Article Award from the Canadian Review of Sociology for “Nevertheless They Persisted: Gendered Frameworks and Socialization Advantages in Indian Professional Service Firms.” Prof. Ballakrishnen was recognized at the Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver in June. Prof. Ballakrishnen’s article “Intentional Invisibility: Professional Women and the Navigation of Workplace Constraints” also was nominated for the 2019 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research, bestowed by the Center for Families at Purdue University. The article was co-authored with Priya Fielding-Singh and Devon Magliozzi of Stanford University.
More on Prof. Ballakrishnen's work on visibility in the workplace
Harvard Business Review: Why Women Stay Out of the Spotlight at Work
Harvard Business Review Women at Work podcast: Step into the Spotlight