Prof. Stoever Named Outstanding Supporter of Prevention, Everyday Hero

UCI Law Professor Jane Stoever is the recipient of two awards for her leadership, research, and advocacy work to support families, children, and survivors of abuse through UCI Law’s Domestic Violence Clinic and the UCI Initiative to End Family Violence. She will be recognized as an “Outstanding Supporter of Prevention” by the Irvine Prevention Coalition for her advocacy work and going “above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of children and families.” The City of Irvine will honor her at a ceremony on Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 5:30-7:30 p.m., in the City of Irvine Council Chambers.
Prof. Stoever also will receive the Everyday Hero Award from the OC Women Lawyers Association on Friday, May 10, 2019, 12-1:30 p.m., during a program at Andrei’s Conscious Cuisine. The award honors a member of the legal community for outstanding contributions, including “pro bono work, charitable work, promotion of the profession, and personal achievement.”
Prof. Stoever is a Clinical Professor of Law, the Director of the UCI Law Domestic Violence Clinic and the Director of the UCI Initiative to End Family Violence. In Prof. Stoever’s clinical teaching, she supervises law students representing abuse survivors and their children in civil, criminal, immigration, and other legal interventions in abuse. She is also committed to creating broader societal change through law reform, systematic improvements, and community responses, as she co-chairs the Orange County Domestic Violence Death Review Team and serves on the OC Family Violence Council and the OC Harm Reduction Advisory Council (on elder abuse).
While directing the Clinic and Initiative, teaching Family Law and The Legal Profession, and mentoring her students, Prof. Stoever routinely conducts community presentations about gender equality and ways to prevent and remedy gender-based violence. Recognizing the need for prevention education and early intervention, she has led her law students in the Domestic Violence Clinic in conducting programs on teen dating violence awareness and the #MeToo Movement at high schools and middle schools in Orange County. Prof. Stoever has also recently spoken at Equal Pay Day, International Women’s Day, Take Back the Night, the OC March for Our Lives (against gun violence), Moms Demand Action, UCI Town & Gown, and other community programs, along with giving presentations of her research at national conferences, conducting judicial trainings, and hosting programs for the Initiative to End Family Violence.
Prof. Stoever’s scholarly work focuses on the multiple oppressions domestic violence survivors face and explores ways that the law can better respond to complex experiences of intimate partner abuse. Her publications include multiple law review articles, numerous opinion pieces and essays, and the recent book The Politicization of Safety (NYU Press 2019).
Prof. Stoever has remarkable stories of helping her clients and students excel and is a positive force for gender equality in our community. We congratulate her on these honors.