U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Holds Court at UCI Law

IRVINE, Calif., October 24, 2016 — The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held court at the UC Irvine School of Law earlier this month for the first time since UCI Law opened in 2009. The panel, comprised (from left) of Circuit Judges Richard G. Taranto, Jimmie V. Reyna, and Todd M. Hughes, heard oral arguments in four cases, and then joined the UCI Law community for an on-campus reception.
The Circuit Judges heard appeals in three patent cases: Red Dog Mobile Shelters v. Kat Industries, 16-1370; Knauf Insulation v. Rockwool Int'l, 16-1184; In re: Villena, 16-1062; and an appeal from the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Kays v. McDonald, 16-1314.
"I found the intricacy of the venue especially attractive and audience friendly; and yet, the formality of the proceeding was just as solemn as if we were in a courthouse," said Richard H. Glucksman, founding partner of Chapman, Glucksman, Dean, Roeb & Barger. "Being able to be so close to the participants made the experience that much more meaningful and compelling."
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Email address: ctaricani@law.uci.edu
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Email address: rhodkowski@law.uci.edu