Grading FAQs
When you complete the online exam form, you will be asked to indicate when you want to receive the student responses and in what format (electronic or hard copy).
If you select “ASAP,” your faculty assistant will provide you with the exam responses one business day after the exam is administered. In situations where some students in your class have received approval to take the exam at a later date, your faculty assistant will withhold a small number of exam responses in order to protect the anonymity of the students who are taking the exam late.
If you prefer to receive all exam responses at once or on a specific date, you may indicate this on the form.
If you need to update your preferences after completing the exam form, please contact the Law School Registrar and your faculty assistant to make alternate arrangements.
Refer to the User Guide for the grading system.
The online grading system will account for this. See “Manual vs Calculated Grading” in the User Guide for the grading system.
If your course has both J.D. and LL.M. students, the grading distribution requirement will be split into 2. One will be for the JD students. One will be for the LLM students. The online grading system will account for this. See “Mix Enrollment JD/LLM course” in the User Guide for the grading system.
Grading of exams at the law school is anonymous; students use exam numbers instead of names on their exams. You can access a roster of anonymous exam numbers via the online class roster after grades have been submitted and approved by the Law Registrar. The Information Technology team or your faculty assistant can assist with showing you how to access the roster. While exams are graded anonymously, the grading of other course components is determined by the professor.
If the grades submitted by a faculty member meet the Law School’s grading requirements, the Registrar will deem those grades as final and will submit them to the University. Once grades are accepted by the Registrar, the grading system will be locked.
All students receive their grades online from StudentAccess. Campus policy prohibits the posting of grades in public, even by exam number.
Please see section VII of the Academic Rules for details on grades and grading policies.
The student(s) receiving the highest grade in each section of each first year class will receive the Faculty Award and the student(s) receiving the second highest grade will receive the Dean’s Award. For an upper-level class, a faculty member may choose to give both awards, no award, or only the Faculty Award. Duplicate awards can be assigned for identical total scores. Faculty should mark grade rosters with a #1 or #2 to indicate prize recipients. Award notes and grades will be posted on student transcripts when grades are available for student viewing.