Alternative Break Opportunities

Students volunteering at the Mississippi Center for Justice over spring break. Learn more about their trip >
The Pro Bono Program provides unique opportunities for students to volunteer during each academic break. These projects allow students to have a more intensive pro bono experience. The following is a sampling of opportunities provided during recent breaks.
- Advanced Health Care Directives Clinic with UCI Hospital (Geriatrics): Student volunteers assist clients of the UC Irvine Medical Center’s Program in Geriatrics to prepare Advanced Healthcare Directives.
- Coachella Saturday Justice: Students work in collaboration with Inland Counties Legal Services (ICLS), to provide a free bimonthly family law clinic for low-income residents in the Coachella Valley. Local law firms are invited to help provide pro bono services.
- Coastal Zone Affordable Housing Research: Students do remote research to support the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles’ work to preserve affordable housing in the coastal zone.
- Crow Reservation Prosecutor's Office: Students work with Special Assistant US Attorneys (SAUSA) assigned to the Crow Reservation outside of Billings, MT. Student volunteers tour the tribal courts and legal offices in Billings and work on criminal matters for those on the reservation. Supervision if provided by alumna Annie Nicholson ('21) from Haynes and Boone, LLP.
- Family Law Blitz: The Legal Aid Society of Orange County (LASOC) hosts a Family Law Blitz with the goal of helping more than 25 clients in one day. Student volunteers work with LASOC attorneys, private attorneys, and paralegals to assist clients with family law forms, letters, declarations, and motion drafting.
- Louisiana Public Defender: Students travel to Covington, Louisiana to assist public defenders with casework, client interviews, and hearing and trial preparation. Supervision is provided by alumna Emily Genzlinger ('20).
- Mississippi Center for Justice: Students travel to Biloxi, Jackson and Indianola to volunteer at branches of the Mississippi Center for Justice, assisting low-income clients and communities with issues related to poverty, racism, the BP oil spill, Hurricane Katrina, and much more.
- Permanency Applications (Green Cards) For Victims of Crime: Students assist clients of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles to help to prepare Permanency Applications for undocumented victims of crime and domestic violence. Supervision is provided by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP.
- Services for the Homeless and those on the Verge (“CARES”): Students work with the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) offices in Los Angeles to assist clients with emergency benefits advocacy, particularly relating to shelter, food, health, transportation, and other social service needs.
- Surfrider Research: Students do remote research on water quality, beach access and coastal preservation advocacy.
View current projects offered throughout the semester >