Outside Scholarships
To assist you in your search for free money, we have provided a list of scholarship opportunities awarded by outside agencies. All outside agency scholarships have specific application procedures, criteria and deadlines. We encourage you to let us know of any other scholarships you find that may be available to others.
If you are awarded any outside agency scholarship, please advise the Office of Student Financial Services so that we may assist you in determining how the scholarship will affect your cost of attendance.
Scholarships and prize money are offered in a variety of categories:
Sonoma County Law Student Scholarship Fund
- Amount (estimated): Varies, up to $5,000
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: Must be a current law student enrolled in an accredited law school program. Must have graduated from a high school in Sonoma County or currently reside in Sonoma County. Applicants must submit two essay responses, unofficial transcripts, and their LSAT score.
- Website: 10000degrees.org/students-alumni/scholarships
California Judges Foundation Adam Z. Rice Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: This scholarship is open to anyone attending an ABA-Approved law school in California or any California resident attending an ABA-Approved law school. The applicant must also demonstrate financial need. Applicants must provide proof of full-time enrollment and submit a 2-minute video along with the application.
- Website: caljudges.org/adamrice.asp
Daniel J. Curtin, Jr. Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: The Planning and Law Division of the American Planning Association are proud to offer fellowship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, letter of recommendation, official transcript, resume, and personal statement.
- Website: planning.org/divisions/planningandlaw/fellowship
The Fresno County Bar Association Memorial Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: December
- Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must have a demonstrated connection to Fresno County.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Live Mas Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Check the website
- Deadline: January
- Eligibility Requirements: The Taco Bell Foundation is proud to offer a scholarship. Applicants must submit a short video essay.
- Website: tacobellfoundation.org/live-mas-scholarship
Platta Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: The Platta Law Firm proudly offers a scholarship to law students. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, essay, and academic transcript.
- Website: plattalaw.com/wp-content
The George Hopper Memorial Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: October
- Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must have a demonstrated connection to the San Joaquin Valley, and a desire to practice law in Fresno, Madera, Merced, Kings, or Tulare County.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Dr. J. Clay Smith Jr. Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $15,000
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: The Foundation of the Federal Bar Association is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, two letters of recommendation, a transcript, law school enrollment verification, and a personal statement.
- Website: foundationofthefba.org/scholarships
CCBA Merit Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The Los Angeles Criminal Courts Bar Association are proud to offer fellowship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, official transcript, and personal statement.
- Website: laccba.org
John M. Langston Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Check website
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: The John M. Langston Bar Association of Los Angeles proudly offers a scholarship to law students. Applicants who have finacia must submit an online application, letters of recommendation, official transcript, resume, and personal statement.
- Website: langstonbar.org/2024-25-scholarship
Cabaniss, Johnston Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: The scholarship is awarded to a 2L law student who is a resident of Alabama.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Angeleno Accident Lawyers Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: December
- Eligibility Requirements: The Angeleno Accident Lawyers Law Firm is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, academic transcript, and an essay.
- Website: caraccidentlawyerlosangeles.com/scholarship
Trisha Friedeberg Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: The Special Needs Planning Symposium is proud to offer a scholarship to a student. Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation, resume, and personal statement.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Carole Bailey Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: The U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association proudly offers a law student a scholarship. Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation, an unofficial transcript, a resume, and an essay.
- Website: cfcbar.org/programs
Lemon Law Experts Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: August
- Eligibility Requirements: The Lemon Law Experts are proud to offer a scholarship to law students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement. Applicants must submit an application, an essay, and their academic transcript.
- Website: lemonlawexperts.com/lemon-law-experts-scholarships
The Doyle Foundation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Doyle Foundation is proud to offer a scholarship. Applicants must submit an application, essay, two letters of recommendation, and transcript.
- Website: doylefound.org/applications
First Generation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The Law Offices of David A. Kadzai, LLC is proud to offer a scholarship. Applicants must submit a short video essay.
- Website: kadzailawgroup.com/scholarship
The Behan Law Group Military Veteran Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: December
- Eligibility Requirements: The Behan Law Group, P.L.L.C., an Arizona law firm, is proud to offer a scholarship to law students who are U.S. military Veterans, current service members, or children of a Veteran. Applicants must submit an application, an essay, and an academic transcript.
- Website: missduiarizona.com/military-veteran-scholarship
General Counsel First Generation Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,500
- Deadline: October
- Eligibility Requirements: The General Counsel, PC Law Firm proudly offers a scholarship to a first-generation law student. Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation, a law school academic transcript, an essay, and a resume.
- Website: generalcounsellaw.com/resources<
The Roy A. Gustafson Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: December
- Eligibility Requirements: The Roy A. Gustafson Scholarship is awarded to Ventura County residents. Applicants must submit an online application, essay, letters of recommendation, official academic transcript.
- Website: vccf.org/scholarships/student-applicants/
NW Corporate Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: December
- Eligibility Requirements: The NW Corporate Law Scholarship is open to continuing law students with a demonstrated interest in business law.
- Website: nwcorporatelaw.com/law-scholarship/
The Dominguez Legal Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: The Dominguez Firm is proud to offer a scholarship to law student must demonstrate superior academic performance. Applicants must submit an application, academic transcript, and an essay.
- Website: dominguezfirm.com/scholarships
Advocate for Justice Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: December
- Eligibility Requirements: The Cheney Galluzzi & Howard, LLC Law Firm proudly offers a scholarship to law students. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, essay, and academic transcript.
- Website: cghlawfirm.com/denver-car-accident-lawyer
The Diversity in Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $15,000
- Deadline: January
- Eligibility Requirements: The Zelle LLP law firm is proud to offer a scholarship. Applicants must demonstrate commitment to diversity community involvement, financial need, academic transcript, and personal statement.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
American Intellectual Property Law Association- Robert C. Watson Award
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must submit articles on a subject relating to the protection of intellectual property.
- Website: aipla.org/resources/programs-awards
The O'Connor, Runckel & O'Malley Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: The law firm of O'Connor Runckel & O'Malley is proud to offer a scholarship to law students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, an essay, and their academic transcript.
- Website: orolawfirm.com/law-school-scholarship
Dwyer Williams Potter Attorneys, LLP Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: The Dwyer Williams Potter Attorneys, LLP Scholarship is awarded to students accepted for enrollment to an accredited law school, who have graduated from an Oregon University and demonstrate outstanding academic achievement.
- Website: www.roydwyer.com/scholarship
VABASC Bar Exam Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,500
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The Vietnamese American Bar Association of Southern California (VABASC) proudly offers a stipend to a law student taking the February or July California Bar Exam.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Rhode Island Bar Foundation-Thomas F. Black, Jr Memorial Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $25,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The Thomas F. Black, Jr Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Rhode Island residents who demonstrated financial need and superior academic performance.
- Website: ribar.com
Trial Advocacy Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $3,000
- Deadline: May
- Eligibility Requirements: Awarded by the American Association for Justice, this scholarship is open to all second and third-year AAJ law student members.
- Website: justice.org/community/caucuses/law-students
Leesfield Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,500
- Deadline: May
- Eligibility Requirements: Awarded by the American Association for Justice, this scholarship is open to first and second-year AAJ law student members.
- Website: justice.org/community/caucuses/law-students
The Justice Hollis G. Best Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: January
- Eligibility Requirements: Awarded to law students who have successfully completed at least one year of law school, who have financial need and demonstrated leadership capabilities are encouraged to apply.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
- Amount (estimated): $15,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund looks for students that are involved in civil rights struggles, economic justice, international solidarity, or other progressive issues.
- Website: davisputter.org/apply/apply-for-scholarships
Justice Stephen K. Tamura Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: The Justice Stephen K. Tamura Foundation offers scholarships to students who overcame financial barriers and demonstrate financial need.
- To apply: Contact UCI Law Financial Aid Director
Jackson Lewis Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: August
- Eligibility Requirements: Jackson Lewis LLP, one of the nation's largest labor and employment law firms, offers a generous scholarship to second or third-year law student who demonstrates an interest in, or aptitude for, employment or labor law.
- To apply: Contact UCI Law Financial Aid Director
Bowman and Brooke Future Defense Lawyer Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Bowman and Brooke Foundation proudly offers a scholarship to a first-year law student.
- Website: scholarsapply.org/bowmanandbrooke
Emily M. Hewitt Memorial Fund
- Amount (estimated): $3,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: Currently enrolled graduate student who is pursuing a degree in environmental law with career goals that coincide with an interest to communicate and interpret the wonders of nature.
- Website: bigtrees.org/events-programs/scholarship-fund
American Association of Law Libraries Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The American Association of Law Libraries is committed to providing opportunities for professional growth. Each year, the Association awards scholarships in significant amounts in the categories listed on the web site to assist individuals in achieving their goal of becoming a law librarian. Minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.
- Website: aallnet.org/education-training/scholarships
The Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Bremer Whyte Brown & O’Meara LLP law firm is proud to offer a scholarship to a first-year law student. Applicants must submit an online application, community involvement, official transcript, and personal statement.
- Website: bremerwhyte.com/about/diversity-fellowship
Sarita and Claire Wright Foundation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The Sarita and Claire Wright Foundation proudly offers a scholarship to a third-year law student preparing to take the bar.
- Website: saritaandclairefoundation.org/scholarship/
JABA Educational Foundation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Japanese American Bar Association Educational Foundation is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student connected to the Japanese American and/or Asian/Pacific Islander (API) community who demonstrated a commitment to community service.
- Website: jabaonline.org/jef
USLAW NETWORK Foundation Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The USLAW Network Foundation is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, letter of recommendation, official transcript, resume, and personal statement.
- Website: uslaw.org
Jaime & Blanca Jarrin and Los Defensores Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: The Jaime and Blanca Jarrin Foundation and Los Defensores are proud to offer a scholarship to a law student. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, academic transcript, recommendation letter, and Latino community service.
- Website: losdefensores.com/scholarship
Hispanic Bar Association Bar Stipend Award
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: Check Application
- Eligibility Requirements: The O.C. Hispanic Bar Association proudly offers a bar stipend to a third-year law student. Applicants must submit an application, resume, personal statement, and proof/receipt of registration for the February or July California Bar Exam.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP’s Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: Please check website
- Eligibility Requirements: The Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP law firm is proud to offer a scholarship to second-year law students and a salaried summer associate position at one of the firm’s 33 offices.
- Website: nelsonmullins.com
Sarita and Claire Wright Lucas Foundation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The Sarita and Claire Wright Lucas Foundation proudly offers a scholarship to prepare for the Bar exam. Applicants must be Black female law students committed to careers as prosecutors.
- Website: saritaandclairefoundation.org/scholarship
Hon. Arthur Nakazato Memorial Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: The Orange County Asian American Bar Association (OCAABA) is proud to offer a scholarship to law students who must demonstrate leadership in the Asian Pacific American community. Applicants must submit an application, a personal statement, and a law school academic transcript.
- Website: ocaaba.org/lawstudents
Equity and Inclusion Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student. The scholarship recipient must be interested in working in an area of natural resources and/or energy and submit their law school academic transcript and financial needs.
- Website: apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships
Raymond L. Ocampo Jr. Family Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: The NFALA Foundation is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, two letters of recommendation, an academic transcript, a 500- word essay, and a resume.
- Website: nfala.com/scholarships
Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: The Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria (FIGR) is offering a scholarship to California Native American law students. Applicants must submit certified copies of original birth or death certificates for each generation of the applicants’ ancestry, linking them to a person with a CDIB showing a California tribal affiliation on the California census rolls of 1928 or 1933 or the California Judgment Fund Rolls of 1953 or 1972. The scholarship recipient must submit an application and provide the required supporting documentation.
- Website: gratonrancheria.com/ucscholarship
Marshall-Motley Scholars Program
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Marshall-Motley Scholars Program is offered to first-year law students who intend to pursue a career in Civil Rights law. Applicants must submit an application, essay, academic transcript, resume, and personal statement.
- Website: marshallmotleyscholars.org
OCAABA Scholarship: Outstanding Student Award
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: The Orange County Asian American Bar Association (OCAABA) is proud to offer a scholarship to law students who must demonstrate leadership in the Asian Pacific American community. Applicants must submit an application, a personal statement, and a law school academic transcript.
- Website: ocaaba.org/lawstudents
Community Fund for Black Bar Applicants
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: The Community Fund for Black Bar Applicants was founded by Octavia Carson, J.D., a 2020 law school graduate. The scholarship opportunity is provided to applicants who identify as Black/African American/Pan African and if they are preparing for a bar examination. The scholarship applicant must submit an online application.
- Website: blackbarapplicantfund.com/apply
The Keker, Van Nest & Peters Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Keker, Van Nest & Peters LLP law firm is proud to offer a scholarship to a first-year law student. Applicants must submit an application, letter of recommendation, official transcript, resume, and financial need.
- Website: keker.com/careers/diversity/Diversity-Scholarship
Arent Fox LLP Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Arent Fox LLP Firm is proud to offer a second-year law student scholarship who demonstrated leadership qualities, work experience, and community involvement. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, current resume, legal writing sample, official academic transcript, and an essay.
- Website: afslaw.com/careers/diversity-scholarship
NFALA President’s Annual Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: The NFALA Foundation is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, two letters of recommendation, an academic transcript, a 500- word essay, and a resume.
- Website: nfala.com/scholarships
The Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Silicon Valley Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: Check website
- Eligibility Requirements: The Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Silicon Valley (APABA) is proud to offer a scholarship to a law student who has demonstrated a commitment to serving the needs of the Asian Pacific American community. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, resume, and essay.
- Website: apabasv.com/awards-scholarships
Goodwin 1L Diversity Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: This fellowship is open to a first-year law student who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and involvement in diverse organizations, and commitment to community service. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, a personal statement, resume, and undergraduate academic transcript and copy of the current law school transcript.
- Website: goodwinlaw.com/careers/diversity-fellowships
Law Preview Diversity 1L Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: May
- Eligibility Requirements: LexisNexis is proud to offer a scholarship to first-year law students at UC Irvine, School of Law. The scholarship recipient must submit an online application and attend a BARBRI Law Preview course.
- Website: firstlook.lawpreview.com/application
Lloyd M. Johnson, Jr. Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: May
- Eligibility Requirements: The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) is proud to offer a scholarship to incoming law students who have demonstrated excellent academic achievement, interest in corporate law, and a commitment to diversity, inclusion, and community. The applicant must demonstrate financial need. The scholarship recipient must submit an online application, an essay, and their academic transcript.
- Website: mcca.com/resources/scholarship-program
The Islamic Scholarship Fund
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The Islamic Scholarship Fund is open to Muslim students or active members of the Muslim community who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, letters of recommendation, resume, and academic transcript.
- Website: islamicscholarshipfund.org/policy-scholarship
California ChangeLawyers-3L Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The applicant must demonstrate a commitment to social justice, public service, and intent to pursue a legal career in California after graduating from law school. The applicant must demonstrate financial need. Interested applicants must contact the UCI School of Law Financial Aid Office for a statement of nomination.
- Website: changelawyers.org/changelawyers-scholarships
Mark T. Banner Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: December
- Eligibility Requirements: The Richard Linn American Inn of Court is proud to offer a scholarship to law students who demonstrate a commitment to the pursuit of a career in Intellectual Property Law. The scholarship recipients must submit an application, resume, essay, and academic transcript.
- Website: linninn.org/Pages/scholarship
Arnold & Porter Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The law firm of Arnold & Porter LLP is proud to offer a scholarship to law students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and must contribute to the diverse background of the law school student body, and entering the legal profession. The scholarship recipients must submit an application, current resume, official law school transcript, and a 500-word essay.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
AABA Law Foundation's Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Chicago Area Law Foundation is proud to offer a scholarship to Asian Pacific American law students who have demonstrated a commitment to serving the needs of the Asian Pacific American community, and who will continue to serve the needs through pro bono, public interest, and/or public service legal work. The scholarship recipients must submit an application, resume, two letters of recommendation, academic transcript, and a 500-word essay.
- Website: aaba-bay.com/aaba-foundation
Baker Donelson Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: The law firms of Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC is proud to offer three scholarships to diverse law students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and simultaneous commitment to the community. Recipients will be awarded a salaried 2L Summer Associate position in one of the law offices.
- Website: bakerdonelson.com/diversity
The Mexican American Bar Foundation- Scholarship Program
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: Awarded to continuing law students who demonstrate financial need, community service, leadership experience, and any hardship experienced in pursuing an education.
- Website: themabf.org
Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The Black Women Lawyers Association awards its scholarships on the basis of financial need, community service, academic achievement, and legal writing ability. Eligibility is limited to second- and third-year law students.
- Website: bwlfoundation.org/scholarships
ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund encourages racial and ethnic minority students to apply to law school and provides financial assistance to the scholarship recipients.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/diversity
Michigan Auto Law Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: Recipient must be a member of an ethnic or racial minority or demonstrate a defined commitment to issues of diversity within their academic career. Open to students currently enrolled in their first or second year of law school.
- Website: michiganautolaw.com/scholarships/diversity
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: October
- Eligibility Requirements: This fellowship is for New Americans to provide opportunities for continuing generations to achieve leadership in their chosen fields.
- Website: pdsoros.org/apply
Sidney B. Williams, Jr. Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: January
- Eligibility Requirements: The scholarship program assists underrepresented minority students who intend to enter the intellectual property law field to attend law school.
- Website: diversityiniplaw.org
California ChangeLawyers - 1L Diversity Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $7,500
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: Any diverse student who plans to begin their 1L year this Fall at a California law school is eligible.
- Website: changelawyers.org/scholarships
Hispanic Bar Association of Orange County - Wallace (Wally) R. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: The Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to Orange County Latino students who are presently attending law school and who have demonstrated involvement in the Latino community.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Trial LawHER Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The Trial LawHER Scholarship is offered to rising 3L female law students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and planning to become a Plaintiff Trial Lawyer. The scholarship recipient must submit an application, 1,500-word essay, closing argument video, law school transcript, and recommendation letter.
- Website: milestoneseventh.com/trial-lawher-scholarship
Contra Costa County Bar Association - The Honorable Patricia Herron and The Honorable Ellen James Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: The Contra Costa County Bar Association’s Women’s Section is proud to offer a scholarship to honor the honorable Patricia Herron and the honorable Ellen James based on financial need and demonstrates leadership potential, academic success, and a commitment to women’s issues, and shows that they live in, intend to practice in, or a connection to Contra Costa County.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
ChIPs Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The ChIPs Scholarship is awarded to a rising third-year female law student who has demonstrated commitment to ChIPs mission of advancing and connecting women in technology, law, and policy.
- Website: chipsnetwork.org/empower-future-generations
WLALA Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $7,500
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA) Foundation is offering a scholarship to students who have demonstrated a commitment to issues affecting women, children, minorities, or other historically marginalized groups.
- Website: wlala.org/scholarships
The Women Lawyers Association of San Luis Obispo Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: July
- Eligibility Requirements: Awarded by the San Luis Obispo County Women Lawyers Association, this scholarship is open to current law students or students accepted for enrollment in law school with a demonstrated connection to San Luis Obispo County.
- Website: wlaslo.org/scholarships
Nancy E. O’Malley Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $7,500
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: The California Women Lawyers Association is offering a scholarship based on financial need and demonstrates a commitment to issues affecting women and/or children in the community. Applicants must submit an application, letters of recommendation, official transcript, resume, and personal statement.
- Website: cwl.org/nancy-o-malley-scholarship
Mike Eidson Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: May
- Eligibility Requirements: The Mike Eidson Scholarship is awarded to a rising third-year female law student who has demonstrated a commitment to a career as a plaintiffs' lawyer or criminal defense lawyer.
- Website: justice.org/community/caucuses/law-students
The Orange County Women Lawyers Foundation Bar Stipend Award
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: Check Website
- Eligibility Requirements: The OCWLA Bar Stipend Award includes a demonstration of financial need; community service, the advancement of women or women's issues; and involvement with the Orange County community.
- Website: ocwla.org/students
The Orange County Women Lawyers Foundation Diversity Bar Stipend Award
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: Check Website
- Eligibility Requirements: Recipient must be a member of an ethical or racial minority who demonstrates financial need; community service, the advancement of diversity in the legal profession; and involvement with the Orange County community.
- Website: ocwla.org/students
Selected Professions Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: Awarded to women of color who are underrepresented and who intend to pursue a full-time course of study during the fellowship year. Applicants must be U.S citizens or permanent residents.
- Website: aauw.org/resources/programs/fellowships-grants
Trans/Nonbinary Law Graduates of Color Grant Fund
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The National LGBTQ+ Bar Association and Foundation is proud to offer a need-based grant to graduating transgender and/or nonbinary law graduates.
- Website: lgbtqbar.org/programs/law-students/law-school-scholarships
NFALA LGBTQ Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: The National Filipino American Lawyers Association (NFALA) LGBTQ Affinity Network offers a scholarship to a law student. Applicants must submit an application, two letters of recommendation, an academic transcript, a 500- word essay, and a resume.
- Website: nfala.com/scholarships
LGBT Public Interest Scholarship Program
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The ABA's Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity is proud to offer scholarships to students who have secured an internship or job for summer with a public interest organization engaged in legal or policy work that directly impacts LGBTQ individuals. Applicants must submit an application, a 500-word essay, a resume, a law school transcript, and two letters of recommendation.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/diversity
M. Katherine Baird Darmer Equality Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: Awarded to current or incoming law students, who demonstrate a commitment to advancing equality for the LGBT community in Orange County.
- Website: oclba.org/darmer-equality-scholarship
Point Foundation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: This scholarship is designed to help promising LGBTQ students achieve their full academic and leadership potential despite obstacles. Scholars must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership skills, community involvement, and financial need.
- Website: pointfoundation.org/point-apply
Pride Foundation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: January
- Eligibility Requirements: For applicants enrolled in a full-time graduate program. The scholarship recipient is selected on the basis of academic achievement, and promote diversity in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, or Ally (LGBTQA) community.
- Website: pridefoundation.org/what-we-do/scholarships
Phillip Robinson Memorial Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,235
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: Any low-income undergraduate or graduate student who is currently enrolled in law school or is actively applying to law school may apply for this scholarship.
- Website: scholarships/phillip-robinson-memorial-scholarship
Terry Bryant Law School Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: June
- Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have a cumulative college grade point average of at least 3.0 and must be currently attending or planning to enter a law school accredited by the ABA or AALS. Applicants must submit a written essay, slideshow presentation, or video explaining their motivation for becoming an attorney and what they hope to accomplish as an advocate.
- Website: terrybryant.com/about-us/scholarships
Emery Reddy Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: Student must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident and must be currently enrolled in or recently accepted to an accredited U.S. law school. Student must submit as essay answering the following prompt: What compelled you to become a lawyer? Are there any special areas of law that you want to target, and what goals do you want to accomplish as an attorney?
- Website: emeryreddy.com/scholarship
Justice Pauline Davis Hanson Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: August
- Eligibility Requirements: Candidates must be female law students who have successfully completed at least one year of law school and have not graduated. Preference will be given to current or former residents of Fresno, Kings, Madera, or Tulare counties, especially if they intend to practice in the counties. Primary considerations are academic achievement and the breadth and depth of the applicant's extracurricular and community activities.
- Website: fcwl.org/scholarships
Eskew Law Scholarship Contest
- Amount (estimated): $1,500
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: We are asking current law school students to create an infographic that illustrates the negative impact that children face when involved in the family court system. And, propose possible alternative solutions that the family court system could adopt or implement in an effort to minimize the impact of trauma in children who are the subject of child-related disputes.
- Website: eskewlaw.com/law-school-scholarship
National Asian Pacific Islander Prosecutors Association Foundation (NAPIPA) Foundation Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500 and a Kaplan Bar Review Course
- Deadline: August
- Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a member of NAPIPA (applications may be submitted contemporaneously with scholarship applications and can be found online at www.napipa.org — memberships dues are currently waived for this year) and must be personally present at the Scholarship Banquet on September 21, 2024 in San Jose, CA. Submit a personal statement of no more than two (2) pages, double-spaced, describing your interest in, commitment to, and any plans for a career in criminal prosecution, and your involvement with the API community.
- Website: napipa.org/Scholarship-Application
Andrew Cores Family Law Group Future Lawyers Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited law school, have a 3.0 GPA or higher, be a citizen of the U.S., and be at least 17 years of age. Applicants must submit a video of 3 to 5 minutes in length answering the following prompt: What has inspired you to pursue a career in the legal field? How do you see yourself impacting the legal community in the future?
- Website: coresdivorcelawyers.com/scholarship
The Los Angeles County Italian-American Lawyers Association
- Amount (estimated): $3,000
- Deadline: November
- Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be enrolled at least part-time in a program leading to a J.D., L.L.M., or S.J.D. at a law school (a) accredited by the American Bar Association, (b) accredited by the California Committee of Bar Examiners (CCBE), or (c) registered with the CCBE as an unaccredited law school.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Greenberg Glusker 1L Book Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: September
- Eligibility Requirements: UC Irvine School of Law 1Ls who demonstrate a commitment to promoting the success of underrepresented individuals in the legal profession.
- Website: greenbergglusker.com
- Amount (estimated): See website
- Deadline: September
- Essay Topic: Legal brief
- Website: scribes.org/brief-writing-award
Annual Rule of Law Writing Competition Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: This competition is open to Law Review Articles authors who are juris doctorate and LLM candidates enrolled at an ABA or California State accredited law school during the eligibility period and whose article is published during the period.
- Website: bhba.org/the-foundation/rule-of-law-writing-competition
Hargrave Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: March
- Essay Topic: Any legal issue concerning Native American children.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Samer Habbas & Associates Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: An accident you or your loved one experienced and how you faced the aftermath.
- Website: habbaspilaw.com/scholarship
The Lawyers’ Mutual First-Generation Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $3,500
- Deadline: January
- Essay Topic: How do you think being a first-generation college student has shaped your perspective/outlooks, and how will that perspective contribute to the Los Angeles community and the broader legal profession?
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
The Honorable Frederick E. McKelvey Memorial Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000 first place, $500 runner-up
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: U.S. patent law
- Website: aapj.us/mckelvey-scholarship
APLA Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $350, plus travel expenses of up to $650 if the prize winner attends the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association to receive the prize in person.
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: Send papers centering the analysis of political and/or legal institutions and processes. We encourage submissions that expand the purview of political and legal anthropology and challenge us to think in new ways about power, politics, and law.
- Website: politicalandlegalanthro.org
Ogletree Deakins David E. Jones Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000
- Deadline: April
- Essay Topic: In 5 pages or less, please write a persuasive essay concerning who is best to govern the use of AI for hiring, disciplining, and firing decisions. Consider factors such as ethical and privacy concerns, efficiency, and principles of federalism in your response.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Affordable Housing & Community Development Law Student Legal Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: March
- Essay Topic: Any legal issue regarding affordable housing, fair housing and/or community development law.
- Website: americanbar.org
John F. Renner, P.C. Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: December
- Essay Topic: 1) What is your inspiration for a career in the legal profession? How do you intend to serve society after law school to fulfill that inspiration? Or 2) What makes a good, effective attorney?
- Website: jfrlaw.com/scholarship
Margot Pickering Aspiring Attorney Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic: Submit your law school admissions essay
- Website: margot-pickering-aspiring-attorney-scholarship
Daniel Kim Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: December
- Essay Topic: If you could spend a year studying abroad experiencing another culture, where would you go and why?
- Website: usaccidentlawyer.com/the-law-offices-of-daniel-kim-scholarship
The Fob James Law Firm Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: December
- Essay Topic: Describe how you plan on giving back to your community once you become a lawyer.
- Website: callfob.com/law-school-scholarship-contest
D’Amore Law Group Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: What do you think our country should do to foster unity?
- Website: damorelaw.com/elle-damore-law-school-scholarship
Entertainment Law Initiative Writing Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $10,000 for winner, $2,500 for runners-up; see website for additional prize information
- Deadline: November
- Essay Topic: Identify and research a pressing legal issue facing the music industry today and outline a proposed solution in a 3,000-word essay.
- Website: recordingacademy.com/entertainment-law-initiative
Aaron D. Wersing Federal Employment Rights Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,500
- Deadline: November
- Essay Topic: How are federal employees’ rights different from employees working in the private sector? Do you feel that federal employees have more or less protections than employees in the private sector? State your reasons in 400-500 words.
- Website: fedemploymentattorneys.com
Hartley Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic: What is the biggest challenge you have overcome in your life? Please elaborate on how this experience shaped and influenced who you are today and what you hope to accomplish in the future.
- Website: hartleylawtx.com/the-hartley-law-firm-scholarship-contest
Brown Award
- Amount (estimated): $15,000 First Place, $7,500 Second Place, $5,000 Third Place, $2,500 Finalist, $2,500 Finalist, and $5,000 to the Scholarship Fund selected by the Dean of the law school in which the First-Place candidate is enrolled.
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: No topic restriction except that writing must be on legal subject.
- Website: brownsims.com/about-brown-sims
OC ABOTA Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $5,000 first place, $2,500 second place, $1,000 third place
- Deadline: December
- Essay Topic: The importance of the Jury Trial in our justice system or the importance of civility in the legal profession.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
- Amount (estimated): $1,500
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: Submissions should be focused on American regulatory or administrative law, broadly construed.
- Website: acslaw.org/get-involved/awards-and-competitions
The Constance Baker Motley National Student Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $3,000 for winner and $1,000 for two runners-up
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to, voting rights, civil liberties, freedom of speech, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration, labor, money in politics, racial equality, religious freedom, Second Amendment, or the roles of state attorney generals.
- Website: acslaw.org/get-involved/awards-and-competitions
Center for Alcohol Policy Annual Essay Contest
- Amount (estimated): $5,000 first place, $2,500 second place, $1,000 third place
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: Varies by year; see website
- Website: centerforalcoholpolicy.org/essay-contest
James Boskey Dispute Resolution Essay Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic: Any aspect of dispute resolution practice, theory, or research.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/dispute_resolution/awards
American Indian Law Review National Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,500 first place, $750 second place, $400 third place
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: Papers will be accepted on any legal issue specifically concerning American Indian law or indigenous peoples.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
- Amount (estimated): $1,000 first place, $500 second place
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: Any topic on animal law.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Robert Pitofksy Law Student Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: April
- Essay Topic: Entrants must submit an original article, which has already been published or which is scheduled to be published on a current topic dealing with antitrust or consumer protection law.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/antitrust_law
Mendes Hershman Student Writing Contest
- Amount (estimated): $1,000 cash prize
- Deadline: January
- Essay Topic: Business Law
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/business_law
Michael Greenberg Student Writing Competitions
- Amount (estimated): $500
- Deadline: See website
- Essay Topic: Legal issues affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or intersex community.
- Website: lgbtbar.org/programs/awards
American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): Cash payment ($5,000 for books, $3,500 for articles, reviews, or book chapters; and $1,500 for student work)
- Deadline: November
- Essay Topic: Eligible entries must discuss some aspect of U.S. consumer financial services law. Topics that relate principally to securities regulation, bankruptcy, insurance, or the safety and soundness aspects of banking regulation are not eligible, but works on subjects within these (or other) areas will be considered if they bear directly on U.S. consumer financial services law.
- Website: accfsl.org/writing-competition
Marshall M. Schulman Competition for Student Papers in Criminal Law and/or Criminal Procedure
- Amount (estimated): $2,500 grand prize, $1,000 for honorable mention
- Deadline: April
- Essay Topic: Criminal law and/or criminal procedure, with a particular focus on contemporary issues of concern in the State of California.
- Website: calawyers.org/Sections/Criminal-Law
William W. Greenhalgh Student Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: See website for details
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/criminal_justice
Adam A. Milani Disability Law Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): First prize will range between $300 and $1,000, depending on whether multiple awards are given.
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic: Submission may address any aspect of disability law, theory, or practice. Other permissible topics include issues arising under any of following statutes: Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972; Age Discrimination in Employment Act; Family and Medical Leave Act; or any state statutes or municipal ordinances prohibiting discrimination on basis of sexual orientation.
- Website: law.mercer.edu/academics/legalwriting
Robert T. Matsui Annual Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: March
- Essay Topic: A legal topic of important to the Asian Pacific American community.
- Website: aefdc.org/matsui-writing-competition
Louis Jackson National Student Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): 1st place $3,000; 2 runners‐up receive $1,000
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic: Workplace law, including employment law, labor law, employee benefits, and discrimination.
- Website: kentlaw.iit.edu
ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $3,000 first place, $1,000 second place, $500 third place
- Deadline: December
- Essay Topic: Students should choose a subject which can be written about through the legal lens with a balanced full spectrum legal analysis, relevant and useful to labor and employment lawyers.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
Energy Law Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: Entries for the Competition should demonstrate original thought on a question of legal and/or policy significance relating to one of the following topics: (1) Air, Water, and Food, (2) Biodiversity, (3) Energy Law, (4) Indigenous Law, (5) Recycling.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/environment
Brownfields, Pesticides, Superfund and Toxic Torts Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: Entries for the Competition should demonstrate original thought on a question of legal and/or policy significance relating to the topic of superfund and natural resource damages litigation, environmental transactions and brownfields, pesticides/chemical regulation, and/or toxic torts.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/environment
Native American Resources Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: Entries for the Competition should demonstrate original thought on a question of legal and/or policy significance relating to the topic of environmental, energy, or resources legal issues related to Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, other Indigenous peoples, Indigenous peoples generally, and/or the field of Indian and tribal law.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/environment
Smith-Babcock-Williams Student Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $3,000 first place, $1,000 second place, $500 honorable mention
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic: Any question of significance in planning, planning law, land use law, local government law or environmental law.
- Website: planning.org/divisions/planningandlaw/writingcompetition
California Lawyers Association Family Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: October
- Essay Topic: Students must choose one of three: 1) Tell us about a time that you helped someone with a family law issue and how that impacted your interest in seeking a career in the area of family law. 2) Tell us about your passion for family law. 3) Tell us what makes you a unique asset to the practice of Family Law.
- Website: calawyers.org/section/family-law/scholarship
H. Thomas Austern Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $750 first place, $500 second place, $250 third
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic: Topics are limited to FDA and regulated agencies' law and regulation. Papers should provide an in-depth analysis of a current legal issue concerning food, drugs, animal drugs, biologics, cosmetics, diagnostics, dietary supplements, medical devices, veterinary devices, cannabis, or tobacco.
- Website: fdli.org/career/austern-writing-competition
Epstein Becker Green Health Law Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $7,500 first place, $4,000 second place, $1,000 third
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: Entrants should take advantage of the fact that health law is a very broad and diverse field, encompassing aspects of almost every area of law. Papers may address any traditional area of the law as applied to health care (e.g., antitrust, tax, corporate) or areas of law unique to health care (e.g., fraud and abuse, managed care, Medicare/Medicaid, clinical trials, telehealth/telemedicine).
- Website: ebglaw.com/healthlawwriting
AALL/LexisNexis Law Librarianship Award, Student Division
- Amount (estimated): $650
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: Any subject relevant to law librarianship.
- Website: aallnet.org/community/recognition/awards
Hon. William C. Conner Intellectual Property Law Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $2,500 first place, $1,500 second place
- Deadline: March
- Essay Topic: An entry must be directed to any of the following subject areas of intellectual property, i.e., patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and unfair trade practices, as well as antitrust and data security/privacy issues to the extent they relate to intellectual property.
- Website: nyipla.org/nyipla/ConnerWritingAwards
Albert S. Pergam International Law Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: November
- Essay Topic: Law students are invited to submit to the International Section an article concerning any area of public or private international law or practice.
- Website: nysba.org/pergamwritingcompetition
Warren E. Burger Prize
- Amount (estimated): See website
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: Please submit an original, unpublished, essay of 10,000 to 20,000 words on a topic of your choice addressing issues of professionalism, ethics, civility, and excellence.
- Website: innsofcourt.org/burgerprize
Smith-Doheny Legal Ethics Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $2,500
- Deadline: April
- Essay Topic: Entries should concern any issue within the general category of legal ethics.
- Website: Download the Application (PDF)
CSCHS Selma Moidel Smith Student Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $5,000 first place, $2,500 second place, $1,000 third place
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: Any aspect of legal history that deals significantly with best papers on California or pre-California legal history, broadly considered. Acceptable topics include those addressing constitutional, judicial, social, and/or cultural aspects of California's legal past.
- Website: cschs.org/programs/student-writings
Larry M. Simonsmeier Writing Award
- Amount (estimated): See website
- Deadline: June
- Essay Topic : Pharmacy Law
- Website: aspl.org/larry-m-simonsmeier-award
Ed Mendrzycki Essay Contest
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: See website
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/lawyers_professional_liability
Public Contract Law Journal Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $2,000 first place, $1,000 second place, $500 third place
- Deadline: September
- Essay Topic: A topical issue of interest to the public contract and grant law community.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/public_contract_law/awards
Dorothy E. Roberts Public Interest Essay Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000 cash prize and $5,000 grant to support the author’s related public interest work
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: Submissions must focus on a specific legal issue within the realm of public interest law, including any issue relating to social justice or advancing the general welfare and good of the public. In addition, the author must include a brief grant proposal for $5,000 to support public interest work related to the essay topic. Topics can be local, state, national, or international in breadth or impact.
- Website: pennlawreview.com/public-interest-essay-competition
ABA Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Student Writing Contest
- Amount (estimated): $2,500, full-tuition scholarship to the University of Miami School of Law's Heckerling Graduate Program in Estate Planning OR Robert Traurig-Greenberg Traurig Graduate Program in Real Property Development, one year free membership in the Section, and free round-trip economy-class airfare and weekend accommodations to attend the Section's Fall Leadership Meeting.
- Deadline: May
- Essay Topic: Submit an essay on a current topic dealing with real property, trust and estate law.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/real_property_trust_estate
James E. Beckley Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000 first place, $750 second place, $500 third place
- Deadline: September
- Essay Topic: Submission may address aspect of Securities law; Securities arbitration; The Federal Arbitration Act, Title 9, US Code, Section 1‐14; or FINRA Code of Arbitration, effective April 16, 2007 and any changes or proposed changes to Code. Writing can be based in theory or in practice, but should ultimately advocate position on topic area chosen.
- Website: piaba.org/2019-beckley-student-writing-competition
Tannenwald Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $5,000 first place, $2,500 second place, $1,500 third place
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: Papers on any federal or state tax-related topic may be submitted.
- Website: wcl.american.edu/impact/initiatives-programs/tannenwald
Berkeley Technology Law Journal Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $1,000 first place, $500 second place
- Deadline: April
- Essay Topic: Submissions accepted on topics at intersection of law and technology, including but not limited to: intellectual property, antitrust, First Amendment, entertainment and new media, telecommunications, biotechnology, internet and cybercrime.
- Website: btlj.org/2024/02
Ladas Memorial Award
- Amount (estimated): $1,250
- Deadline: February
- Essay Topic: Trademark law or a matter that directly relates to, or affects, trademarks.
- Website: inta.org/about/awards-competitions
California Lawyers Association DEI Student Writing Competition
- Amount (estimated): $2,500 first place, $1,500 runner up
- Deadline: July
- Essay Topic: In Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 600 U.S. 181 (2023), the United States Supreme Court held that race-based affirmative action programs in college admissions processes violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. What impacts does this holding have on Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, programs, and grants in college and law school admissions and, by extension, employer DEI programs in law firms and legal departments? What practical steps and efforts may voluntary state bar associations and organizations take to advance DEI programs and initiatives in the legal profession, in light of this holding?
- Website: calawyers.org/cla-dei-law
Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi Diversity Book Scholarship Application
- Amount (estimated): $500
- Deadline: August
- Essay Topic: Attach an essay of at least 300 words about yourself and why you believe diversity, equity & inclusion are important to the legal profession. Applicants must be a current California 2L or 3L interested in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Website: lflm.com/firm-profile/firmculture
For unpaid positions with nonprofit organizations and government agencies, students usually choose between receiving externship credit or PILF funding, as you cannot do both. These types of positions generally qualify for PILF funding, but you must also meet PILF's eligibility requirements to apply for a summer stipend. All questions regarding PILF stipends should be directed to PILF .
*The AccessLex Law School Scholarship Databank includes nearly 800 scholarship opportunities and writing competitions, including over 600 opportunities for returning law students . Select the filter “Returning Law Students” under “Scholarship Type” along with a specified “Location” (likely “No Location Required” or “California”). To narrow your search further, check out the “Interest Area” and “Applicant Attributes” filter options or choose between “Need Based” or “Merit Based” opportunities.
The PSJD Summer Funding Source list gets updated annually in late fall/early winter. This list includes sources from affinity groups, bar associations, and nonprofits. To create an account on PSJD, register by clicking on the "New Jobseekers" link at the top right of the home page in the Orange Box.
ABA AntiTrust Section Summer Diversity Stipend
- Amount (estimated): $5,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: Diverse second-year law (2L) students attending an ABA-accredited law school are eligible to apply upon their acceptance to a Summer 2024 internship at a qualified federal agency or a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization in the areas of antitrust, consumer protection, or privacy law.
- Website: americanbar.org/groups/antitrust_law
Zelle LLP Diversity Law Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $15,000
- Deadline: January
- Eligibility Requirements: Zelle LLP is proud to offer a scholarship to first-year law (1L) students attending an ABA-accredited law school who are eligible to apply upon their acceptance to a Summer internship in one of the firm’s offices for the summer following the student’s first year of law school.
- Website: zellelaw.com/ZELLE_LLP_2025
Veterans Legal Services Project Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): Up to $7,500
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA) and LACBA Counsel for Justice Veterans Legal Services Project (VLSP) are proud to offer a fellowship. The fellowship is available to 1L and 2L students and funds a social justice-oriented project.
- Website: wlala.org/fellowships/#VLSP
Dan Bradley Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): $8,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: Law students who will spend the summer interning at a LAAC member organization; and who plan to work at a rural organization, an urban organization working on rural issues, or any organization working on racial justice work. Applicants must also have a strong interest in a career in public interest law, working to defend and expand the legal rights of people who live in poverty. Students of color and students from low-income backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
- Website: laaconline.org/award/dan-bradley-fellowship
Honorable Richard M. Neiter Summer Bankruptcy Fellowship & Externship Fund
- Amount (estimated): $4,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The Fellowship and Externship Fund is open to students who have accepted an offer to serve a full-time summer externship with a bankruptcy judge in the Central District of California.
- Website: labankruptcyforum.wildapricot.org/Neiter-Fellowship-Application
California Lawyers Association Labor and Employment Law Section & California Lawyers Foundation
- Amount (estimated): $8,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: Scholarship award to diverse law students pursuing employment or labor related work during the summer.
- Website: calawyers.org/section/labor-and-employment-law
Inner City Law Center Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): Up to $7,500
- Deadline: January
- Eligibility Requirements: The WLALA Foundation’s Inner City Law Center (ICLC) law student fellow spends 10 weeks working full-time at ICLC during the summer in ICLC’s Preventing and Ending Homelessness Project (PEHP). The fellow gains hands-on experience with administrative law and litigation projects, including evictions, expungements, benefits advocacy, and other legal needs.
- Website: wlala.org/fellowships/#inner
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Diversity Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): Up to $4,500
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: 1L and 2L students from historically underrepresented backgrounds, in good academic standing, and enrolled at an ABA-accredited law school. NACDL defines "historically underrepresented backgrounds" to include people of color, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and persons with disabilities. This list, however is not exhaustive.
- Website: nacdl.org/Landing/Diversity-Task-Force-Fellowships
Robert Masur Fellowship in Civil Liberties
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The fellowship competition is open to first-year law students who intend to carry out significant activities during the summer (in between their first and second year) in the areas of civil rights and/or civil liberties.
- Website: typemediacenter.org/prizes
South Asian Bar Association of DC Public Interest Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): Varies
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: SABA-DC provides financial assistance in the form of summer fellowships to law students working at public interest organizations in the metropolitan D.C. area. The primary purpose of the fellowship is to help fund a student’s internship with a public interest organization for the benefit of the South Asian community and the metropolitan D.C. area.
- Website: sabadc.org/fellowship
California Lawyers Association Labor and Employment Law Section & California Lawyers Foundation Bar Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $2,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: Scholarship award to diverse law students pursuing employment or labor related work during the summer. The bar stipend may be used towards the expenses related to preparation for the California Bar Examination, including but not limited to examination and preparation course fees.
- Website: calawyers.org/section/labor-and-employment-law
Latinx44 Scholarship Program
Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles Fran Kandel Public Interest Fellowship
- Amount (estimated): $7,500
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: The Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (WLALA) Fran Kandel Public Interest Fellowship enables law students to work with an organization or individually to develop and implement a project in the field of public interest law in the spirit of Fran Kandel. The WLALA Kandel Fellowship is designed to fund social justice-oriented projects with a tangible outcome. Strong preference is given to applicants who have the support of a sponsoring organization and who have arranged for an organization or suitable individual to supervise their project.
- Website: wlala.org/fran-kandel-fellowship-application
South Asian Bar Association of New York
- Amount (estimated): Ranging from $2,000 to $6,000
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: See website
- Website: sabany.org/2024-fellowships
Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association
- Amount (estimated): See website
- Deadline: April
- Eligibility Requirements: SCCLA Scholarships are awarded based on (1) financial need, (2) academic accomplishments, and/or (3) active involvement and/or expected future contribution to the Chinese-American and/or APA community, particularly in Southern California.
- Website: sccla.org/scholarships
NWCL Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $1,000
- Deadline: May and December (scholarship is awarded biannually)
- Eligibility Requirements: You must be a 2nd or 3rd year law student enrolled in an ABA-approved law school in the United States. You must have an interest in business law or entrepreneurship.
- Website: nwcorporatelaw.com/law-scholarship
Alaska Bar Association Law School Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): See website
- Deadline: March
- Eligibility Requirements: The Alaska Bar Association offers law school scholarships to current 1st and 2nd year law students who demonstrate ties to Alaska, and an intent to return to Alaska within two years of graduation.
- Website: alaskabar.org/for-lawyers/law-school-scholarships
American Council of the Blind's Scholarship Program
- Amount (estimated): Ranging from $2,000 to $7,500
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants need to be legally blind, maintain a 3.0 GPA to be eligible for most scholarships, be a full-time student or a part-time student who works at least 32 hours per week, and be involved in their school and local community.
- Website: acb.org/scholarships
Japanese American Bar Association Scholarship
- Amount (estimated): $3,000
- Deadline: February
- Eligibility Requirements: The scholarships are open to current law students and recent law school graduates with a connection to the Japanese American and/or API community who have a demonstrated commitment to community service. Additional factors may include financial need, adversity, academic achievement, leadership, service to the Japanese American and/or API community, and past/present/potential future involvement with JABA.
- Website: jabaonline.org/jef
Korean American Scholarship Foundation
- Amount (estimated): Ranging from $500 to $5,000
- Deadline: See website
- Eligibility Requirements: KASF scholarships are offered to qualified Korean American students. If extra funds are available, other students may qualify for scholarships. Specifically, descendants of American veterans served during the Korean War may qualify for scholarships.
- Website: kasf.org/scholarships
Some or all instruction for all or part of the Academic Year may be delivered remotely. Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year. Figures for tuition and fees represent currently approved or proposed amounts and may not be final. Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California as determined to be necessary or appropriate. Final approved tuition and fee levels may differ from the amounts presented.
State of California Disclosure: Federal student loans are available to most students regardless of income and provide a range of repayment options including some income-based repayment plans and loan-forgiveness benefits, which other education loans are not required to provide.