Our Work
Dalié Jiménez & Jonathan Glater, Student Debt is a Civil Rights Issue: The Case for Debt Relief and Higher Education Reform, 55 C.L. L. Rev. (Forthcoming).
Dalié Jiménez, Testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law (2019).
Jonathan Glater, Law and the Conundrum of Higher Education Quality, 51 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1211 (2018).
Jonathan Glater, The Sequential Movement Challenge of Higher Education Access, 5 Belmont L. Rev. 1 (2018).
Alexei Alexandrov & Dalié Jiménez, Lessons from Bankruptcy Reform in the Private Student Loan Market, 11 Harv. L. & Pol'y Rev. 175 (2017).
Xiaoling Ang & Dalié Jiménez, Private Student Loans and Bankruptcy: Did Four-Year Undergraduates Benefit from the Increased Collectability of Student Loans, in Student Loans and the Dynamics of Debt 175 (2015).
Jonathan Glater, Student Debt and Higher Education Risk, 103 Cal. L. Rev. 1561 (2015).
Jonathan Glater, Student Debt and the Siren Song of Systemic Risk (UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper No. 85, 2015).
Jonathan Glater, The Unsupportable Cost of Variable Pricing of Student Loans, 70 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 2137 (2013).
Jonathan Glater, The Other Big Test: Why Congress Should Allow College Students to Borrow More Through Federal Aid Programs, 14 NYU J. Legis. & Pub. Pol'y (2011).
Jonathan Glater, A Broad View of Access, 39 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 759 (2006).