2018 Baby Markets Roundtable
May 4-5, 2018 • Hosted at the University of California, Hastings College of Law
Co-Sponsored by the University of California, Irvine School of Law

The Baby Markets Roundtable will bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, policy-makers, civil society advocates, journalists, activists, and others to examine the myriad ways in which families are created, shaped, formed, and regulated. The Roundtable addresses the role and status of the child, mother, father, surrogate, grandparents, and the state in the creation and deconstruction of the family. Historically, the Roundtable explores the shifts in family-making, reflecting trends in single- and same-sex parenting as well as the ways in which heteronormativity constructs legal and social norms in child custody, child-rearing, and family planning.
Request Further Information
For further information, including letters of invitation for scholars coming from abroad, please contact Roundtable organizers.