Benjamin van Rooij
Professor of Law
John S. and Marilyn Long Professor of U.S.-China Business and Law
Director, John S. and Marilyn Long U.S.-China Institute for Business and Law
Joint appointment in Criminology, Law, & Society

- “Prosecutorial Regulation in the Global South: Environmental Civil Litigation by Prosecutors in China compared to Brazil,” Regulation & Governance (accepted for publication) (with Yifan Shi)
- "Misguided Experimentation: Prosecutorial Public Interest Litigation against Pollution in China," with Shi Yifan. Submitted for review as part of special edition (2013 draft manuscript).
- "The Authoritarian Logic of Regulatory Pluralism, Understanding China's New Environmental Actors," with Rachel Stern and Kathinka Fürst. Introduction to special edition submitted for review (2013 draft manuscript).
- "Environmental Law Enforcement Innovations in Industrialized Middle Income Countries," with Lesley K. McAllister. Law and Development of Middle Income Countries, edited by Tom Ginsburg and Randall Peerenboom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, Gerald E. Fryxell, Carlos W. H. Lo, and Wei Wang. "From Support to Pressure: The Dynamics of Social and Governmental Influences on Environmental Law Enforcement in Guangzhou City, China."Regulation & Governance (2012). (Accepted for publication; published online in early view).
International (refereed) journals
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, Nicholson, Pip. "Inflationary Trends in Law and Development." Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 24 (2014): 297-348.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Bringing Justice to the Poor, Bottom-Up Approaches to Legal Development Cooperation." Hague Journal on Rule of Law 4, no. 2 (2012): 286-318.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The People's Regulation, Citizens and Implementation of Law in China." Columbia Journal of Asian Law 25, no. 2 (2012): 116-179.
- Lo, Carlos W. H., Gerald E. Fryxell, Benjamin van Rooij, Wei Wang, and Pansy Honying Li. "Explaining the enforcement gap in China: Local government support and internal agency obstacles as predictors of enforcement actions in Guangzhou." Journal of Environmental Management 111 (2012): 227-235
- Lora-Wainwright, Anna, Yiyun Zhang, Yunmei Wu, and Benjamin Van Rooij. "Learning to Live with Pollution: The Making of Environmental Subjects in a Chinese Industrialized Village." The China Journal 68 (July 2012): 106-124.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, Anna Lora-Wainwright, Yunmei Wu, and Yiyun (Amy) Zhang. "The Compensation Trap: The Limits of Community-Based Pollution Regulation in China." Pace Environmental Law Review 29, no. 3 (2012): 701-745.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The People vs. Pollution: Understanding Citizen Action against Pollution in China." The Journal of Contemporary China 19, no. 63 (2010): 55-77.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, Lesley McAllister, and Robert A. Kagan (eds.). "Pollution Law Enforcement in Emerging Markets." Law & Policy (Special Edition) 32, no. 1 (2010).
- McAllister, Lesley, Benjamin van Rooij, and Robert A. Kagan. "Reorienting Regulation: Pollution Enforcement in Industrializing Countries." Law & Policy 32, no. 1 (2010): 1-13.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, and Carlos H. W. Lo. "A Fragile Convergence, Understanding Variation in the Enforcement of China's Industrial Pollution Law." Law & Policy 32, no. 1 (2010): 14-37.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Greening Industry without Enforcement? An Assessment of the World Bank's Pollution Regulation Model for Developing Countries." Law & Policy 32, no. 1 (2010): 127-52.
- Lo, Carlos H. W., Gerald E. Fryxell, and Benjamin van Rooij. "Changes in Enforcement Styles among Environmental Enforcement Officials in China." Environment and Planning A 41 (2009): 2706-23.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Return of the Landlord: Chinese Land Acquisition Conflicts as Illustrated by Peri-Urban Kunming." Journal of Legal Pluralism, no. 55 (2007): 211-45.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Implementation of Chinese Environmental Law: Regular Enforcement and Political Campaigns." Development and Change 37, no. 1 (2006): 57-74.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "China's War on Graft: Politico-Legal Campaigns against Corruption in China and Their Similarities to the Legal Reactions to Crisis in the U.S." Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal 14, no. 2 (2005): 289-336.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Law Enforcement in Sichuan: Organization and Procedure in Comparative Perspective." China Information 17, no. 2 (2003): 36-65.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The enforceability of Chinese water pollution regulation: what room for improvement." China's perspectives, no. 43 (2002): 40-54.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "La loi peut-elle contrôler la pollution des eaux? De l'applicabilité et des améliorations possibles de la réglementation Chinoise." Perspectives Chinoises 72, no. 12 (2002): 43-57.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Book Review: Robert HEUSER and Jan de GRAAF (eds.), Umweltschutzrecht der VR China, Gesetze und Analysen, Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde 2001." China Information 16, no. 1 (2002): 134-35.
National journals
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Zhifa Queshi Kunjingzhong De Lvse Gongye, Dui Shijie Yinhang De Fazhanzhongguojia Wuran Jianguan Moshi Zhi Pingqian (Greening Industry without Enforcement, a Critical Look at the World Bank Model for Pollution Regulation in Developing Countries)." Xinhua Wenzhai 22 (2012): 138-146.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Zhifa Queshi Kunjingzhong De Lvse Gongye, Dui Shijie Yinhang De Fazhanzhongguojia Wuran Jianguan Moshi Zhi Pingqian (Greening Industry without Enforcement, a Critical Look at the World Bank Model for Pollution Regulation in Developing Countries)." Dongfang Faxue 4 (2012): 134-149.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Shenmo Shi Falü Fuquan? Guoji Falü Hezuo De Quanli Yu Jiejin Zhengyi (What Is Legal Empowerment? International Legal Development Cooperation and Access to Justice)." Sifa Gaige Lunping (Judicial Reform Review), no. 12 (2011): 11-25.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Zhiqiongren De Sifa, Zixia Er Shang De Falü Fazhan He Zuo (Justice for the Poor, Bottom-up Legal Development Cooperation)." Hongfan Pinglun, no. 11 (2009): 1-24.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "De Autoritaire Rechtsstaat, Chinees Recht Gevangen in Transitie?" Internationale Spektator, Jaargang 62, no. 3 (2008): 135-139.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Van Yi naar Yi: Rechtsbescherming tegen de Overheid in China (From Yi to Yi, Legal Protection Against the Government in China)." Novum 30, no. 10 (2008): 4-6.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Fazhan Yujingxia de Wuran Jianguan, Zhongguo de Lifa, Shoufa yu Zhifa Zhuangkuang ji he qita Guojia de Bijiao Yanjiu (Pollution Regulation in a Context of Development: China's Lawmaking, Compliance and Enforcement Compared to Other Countries)." Hongfan Pinglun (Journal of Legal and Economic Studies), no. 9 (2007).
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Huanjing Peichangfa, Yi Helan Wei Li De Shehui Faxue Fenxi" (Environmental Compensation Law, Dutch and Socio-Legal Lessons). Keji Yu Faxue (Science, Technology and Law), (2005).
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Falü De Weidu, Cong Kongjianshang Jiedu Falü Shibai" (Law's Dimension, Understanding Legal Failure Spatially)." Sixiang Zhanxian (Thinking), no. 4 (2004): 109-17.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Van Guanxi naar Guansi, het beslechten van conflicten in China." China Nu, no. 27 (2002): 20-22.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, (together with J. Arnscheidt and J.M. Otto) eds. Lawmaking for Development, Explorations into the theory and practice of international legislative projects. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2008.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. Regulating Land and Pollution in China, Lawmaking, Compliance, and Enforcement; Theory and Cases. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2006.
Contributions to books
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulation by Escalation: Unrest, Lawmaking, and Law Enforcement in China," In The Politics of Law and Stability in China, edited by Susan Trevaskes, Elisa Nesossi, Flora Sapio and Sarah Biddulph, 83-107. London: Edgar Elden, 2014.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, McAllister, L. K. "Environmental Law Enforcement Alliances in Middle Income Countries." In Law and Development of Middle Income Countries, edited by Tom Ginsburg and R.P. Peerenboom, 288-306. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, Lo, Carlos W.H., Fryxell, Gerald E.. "Enforcement Styles: Changes Over Time." In Institutions, Regulatory Styles, Society and Environmental Governance in China, edited by C.W.H. Lo and S.Y. Tang, 119-139. New York: Routledge, 2014.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Compliance: Understanding Legal and Social Approaches." In Compliance, The New Development Trend of Global Companies, edited by He Jiang and Zhile Wang, 102-117. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 2012.
- Liu, Ben (Van Rooij, Benjamin). "Hegui: Cong falü he shehuixue jiaodu de jiedu (Compliance: An interpretation from the legal and social studies perspective)." In Hegui, Quanqiu Gongsi Fanzhan Xin Qushi (Compliance, The New Development Trend of Global Companies), edited by He Jiang and Zhile Wang, 90-101. Beijing: Zhongguo Jingji Chubanshe (China Economic Publishing House), 2012.
- Ubink, J.M., and Benjamin Van Rooij. "Towards Customary Legal Empowerment: An Introduction." In Customary Justice: Perspectives on Legal Empowerment, edited by J.M. Ubink and T. McInerney, 7-27. Rome: International Development Law Organization, 2011.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulating Land and Pollution at Lake Dianchi: Lawmaking, Compliance and Enforcement in a Chinese and Comparative Perspective." In Making Law Work, Chinese Laws in Context, edited by M. Burell and M. Svensson, 367-403. New York: Cornell University Press, 2011.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Acercar La Justicia a Los Pobres Cooperación De Abajo Hacia Arriba En Las Estrategias Legales (Bringing Justice to the Poor, Bottom-up Legal Development Cooperation)." In La Garantía De Acceso a La Justicia: Aportes Empíricos Y Conceptuales, edited by Haydée Birgin and Natalia Gherardi, 187-219. Mexico City: Editorial Fontamara, 2011.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Renmin Duikang Wuran Zhizhan: Renshi Zhongguo Gongmin De Fanwuranxingdong (the People's War against Pollution, a Study of People's Action against Pollution)." In Huanjing Yu Wuran: Kuaxueke Shijiao (Environment and Health: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives), edited by Jennifer Holdaway, Wang Wuyi, Ye Jingzhong and Zhang Shiqiu, 210-238. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press China, 2010.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulatory Compliance: Why Do Enterprises Obey the Law." In Compliance, First Priority in Corporate Responsibilities, edited by Zhile Wang, 64-75. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 2010.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Rural Land Acquisition Conflicts in China, Illustrated by cases from Yunnan Province." In Land Tenure Legalization, Country Studies and Cases, edited by J.M. Ubink, A.J. Hoekema and W. Assies. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2009.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, (together with Ping Li, Roy Prosterman, Jianping Ye, and Jian Wu). "Land Reform and Tenure Security in China, History and Current Challenges." In Land Tenure Legalization, Country Studies and Cases, edited by J.M. Ubink, A.J. Hoekema and W. Assies. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2009.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Van Rechtsvacuüm naar Rechtsstaat? Dertig Jaar Rechtshervorming in China " In De Chinese Hervormingen sinds 1978: De Balans en de Toekomst (China's Legal Reforms since 1978: Current Status and Future), edited by W.L. van Woerkom-Chong and T.W. Ngo, 97-120. Almere: Parthenon, 2008.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "From Party Rule to Rule of Law? Thirty Years of Legal Reform in China." In The Impact of Rule of Law Assistance on the Legal Reform Process in China, edited by Center for International Legal Cooperation. Leiden: CILC, 2008.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, Julia Arnscheidt, and Jan Michiel Otto. "Lawmaking for Development: An Introduction." In Lawmaking For Development, edited by J. Arnscheidt, B. van Rooij, and J.M. Otto. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2008.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Bargaining About the Land Bill, Making Effective Legislation to Protect Arable Land in China." In Lawmaking for Development, edited by J. Arnscheidt, B. van Rooij and J.M. Otto. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2008.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Implementation of Chinese Environmental Law: Regular Enforcement and Political Campaigns." In China's Limits to Growth, Greening State and Society, edited by P. Ho and E.B. Vermeer, 27-55. London: Blackwell Publishers, 2006.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Implementing Chinese environmental law through enforcement, the shiwuxiao and shuang ge dabiao campaigns." In Implementation of law in the People's Republic of China. edited by J. Chen, J.M. Otto and Y. Li, 149-178. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International, 2002.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. "China's system of public administration." In Implementation of law in the People's Republic of China, edited by J. Chen, J.M. Otto and Y. Li, 323-342. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International, 2002.
Policy notes
- Ubink, J.M., and Benjamin van Rooij. Towards Customary Legal Empowerment. Rome: International Development Law Organization, 2010.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin. Pollution Regulation in Development, Law, Governance and Development; Research and Policy Notes. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2008.
- Van Rooij, Benjamin, (together with I. van de Meene). Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment, Making the Poor Central in Legal Development Cooperation, Law, Governance and Development; Research and Policy Notes. Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2008.
Lectures, conference reports, working papers
- (Invited Lecture; Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Deterrence without Enforcement, Dialogues with Chinese Lawyers About Tax Evasion and Compliance." Paper Presented at the East Asia Law and Society Meeting, Shanghai, 23 March 2013.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Qualitative Legal Research." Invited Presentation at Fudan University, School of Law, 21 March 2013.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Is China Moving Away from Law." Invited Presentation at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, Amsterdam University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 10 March 2013.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Governance and Authoritarianism in China." Amsterdam University College, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24 January 2013.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "China's Compliance Challenge." Dinner Lecture at the Amsterdam Centre for Law and Economics Spring Workshop 2013, 21 May 2013.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Can Law Save China's Environment." Public Lecture at the Long Institute Distinguished Lecture Series, UC Irvine, School of Law, 28 September 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The People's Regulation, Understanding the Role of Citizens in Implementation of Law in China." Invited Faculty Talk at UC Irvine School of Law, 1 October 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Chinese Environmental Law, an Introduction." Presented at the NWO-WOTRO Conference on Legal Empowerment of Pollution Victims, 23 August 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Chinese Law in Historical and Comparative Perspective." Guest Lecture for the Master Level Course on Introduction to Comparative Law, 14 September 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "China's New Environmental Regulators." Introductory and Concluding Talk at Amsterdam-Berkeley Conference on China's New Environmental Regulators, Beijing, China, 25 August 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Future of Chinese Studies: Thoughts and Methods." Invited Key Note Speech at the National Graduate Student Conference for Contemporary China, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 24 May 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Hybrid Methods in Chinese Urban Studies." Urban Studies Workshop, University of Amsterdam, Department of Urban Studies, The Netherlands, 14 May 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Decentered Regulation with Chinese Characteristics." Amsterdam Centre for Law and Economics Workshop Presentation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10 May 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Secret Europe Vs. Secret China, Chinese Lessons About the Concept of Secrecy for the EU." Faculty Seminar Presentation at University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law, The Netherlands, 25 April 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Why Chinese Obey the Law? Methodological Insights from a Study in China's Legal Service Sector." Presentation at Columbia University School of Law, New York, USA, 18 April 2012.
- (Conference presentation) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Law Enforcement Alliances in Middle Income Countries." Paper presented at the Conference on Law and Development of Middle Income Countres, Chicago University, School of Law, USA, 21 April 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Empirical Research on Chinese Law in the Netherlands." Invited Presentation at New York University School of Law, USA, 16 April 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Can Law Save China's Environment." Presentation at the Council for Foreign Relations, New York, USA, 16 April 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The People's Regulation and Lessons About Regulatory Empowerment." Max Weber Programme Workshop "Rights Regulaton and Governance: The Path to Development?", European University Institute Florence, Italy, 4 April 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "De (on)Rechtsstaat: EU/China." Invited Lecture at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13 March 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Why Chinese Obey the Law: Lawyers and Tax Compliance." Paper presented at a Seminar on Chinese Law at Leuven University Faculty of Law, Belgium, 2 March 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Courts and Lawyers in China." Guest Lecture at Leuven University Faculty of Law, Belgium, 22 March 2012.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Enforcement Research in Kunming." Lecture at Yunnan University, School of Law, Kunming, 26 December 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Public Interest Standing in the Netherlands." Lecture at Renmin University, School of Law, Beijing, China, 3 December 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Co-regulation and its relevance for Chinese Pollution Control." Lecture at the Chinese University of Politics and Law, NWO Wotro Stakeholder Workshop, Beijing, China, 2 December 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Compliance, Insights Into Theory and Methodology." Lecture at Tsinghua University, School of Law, Beijing, China, 30 November 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Food and Health in China as a Topic of Social Science." Lecture for the US Science Research Council Workshop on Environment and Health, Beijing, China, 3 November 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "How to study Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement." Lecture at Wuhan University, School of Law, Wuhan, China, 31 October 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulatory Governance: The Chinese Perspective." Presentation at the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24 May 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulation by Escalation: China’s Halfhearted Approach to Involve Citizens in the Implementation of Law." Paper Presented at Erasmus University, Faculty of Law, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 12 May 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "When Harmony May Mean Chaos: A Look at China’s Future Options for Dispute Processing and Stability." Presentation at Leuven University, School of Law, Leuven, Belgium, 2 May 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Community Based Pollution Regulation in China." Presentation at Leuven University, School of Law, Leuven, Belgium, 2 May 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulatory Research in China, The Amsterdam Approach.” Lecture for the Center for East Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 23 March 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. “Where the State is still Needed, Pollution Regulation in Developing Countries.” Lecture at Wisconsin Law School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 23 March 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. “When Beijing is Far Away, Implementing Environmental Law in China.” Lecture at the Wisconsin Law School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 22 March 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. “Environmental Governance Research in Kunming.” Lecture for the Eigert Program for Environmental Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 21 March 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The People's Regulation" Inaugural Lecture at the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24 February 2011. Available at: Inaugural Lecture Series, Amsterdam University (2011),
- (Conference Presentation) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Academic and Practitioner Perspectives on Legal Empowerment and Access to Justice." Concluding Presentation at the International Conference on Legal Empowerment and Access to Justice, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8 February 2011.
- (Conference Presentation) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Power in Legal Empowerment and Access to Justice, an Analytical Framework." Paper Presented at the International Seminar on Legal Empowerment and Access to Justice, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7 February 2011.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulatory Dispute Resolution, an Alternative Perspective to Formal-Rational, Harmonizing and Populist Dispute Evaluation Methods in China." Lecture at the China Academic Dialogue, Clingendael, the Hague, The Netherlands, 3 February 2011.
- (Lectures Series) Van Rooij, Benjamin and J. A. Cohen. "Access to Justice in China." Guest Lectures at the New York University School of Law, New York, USA, September to December 2010.
- (Lectures Series) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Pollution Regulation in Emerging Markets." Guest lectures at the New York University School of Law, New York, USA, September to December 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "China's Headache, Authoritarian Dispute Resolution in a State Capitalist Context." Conference Paper Presentation at the American Illness Conference at George Mason University, Alexandria, USA, 4 December 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "A Critical View of the World Bank Pollution Regulation Model." Lecture at the New York University Faculty Workshop, New York, USA, 1 December 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Health Activism in China." Lecture at the Council for Foreign Relations, New York, USA, 17 November 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Access to Justice in China, an Introduction." Presentation at the Gelatt Dialogue, New York University School of Law, New York, USA, 7 September 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Shijieyinhang de Wuranjianguan de Yanjiu (World Bank Research on Pollution Regulation)." Paper Presented at the Hongfan Law and Economics Research Institute, Beijing, China, 3 July 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Huanjing Jianguan de Gongminjuese, Xue Yunnan de Jiaoxun (The role of citizens in environmental regulation, lessons from Yunnan)." Lecture at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 1 July 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Zhifa yu Yulun, Renshi Meiguo de Zhifa Zhuanxiangxingdong (Enforcement and Popular Opinion, Understanding US law enforcement Campaigns)." Lecture at Yunnan University Law School, Kunming, China, 28 June 2010.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Lao Baixing and the Law, the Promise, Reality and Necessity of Citizen-Based Regulation in China." Paper Presented at the 5th European China Law Studies Association Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18 June 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Implementing Regulation in Emerging Markets.“ Lecture for the Research Group Market Regulation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20 May 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Recht En Onrecht in De Volksrepubliek.” Lecture for the Juridische Faculteit Der Amsterdamse Studenten, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 May 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Activist Acquiescence, Understanding Power, Pollution and Community Based Regulation in China.” Lecture at the European China Discussion Group, Leiden, The Netherlands, 22 April 2010.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Recht En Bestuur in China, Een Introductie.” Lecture for the China Comenius Leergang 2010, Leiden, The Netherlands, 16 April 2010.
- (Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin, Anna Lora-Wainwright, Yunmei Wu, and Amy Zhang. "Activist Acquiescence, Lessons About Power, Pollution and Protest from a Chinese Village." (2010).
- (Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin, Anna Lora-Wainwright, Yunmei Wu, and Amy Zhang. "The Compensation Trap, Chinese Lessons About the Limits of Community Based Regulation." (2010).
- (Working Paper) Lora-Wainwright, Anna, Yunmei Wu, Amy Zhang, and Benjamin van Rooij. "Learning to Live with Pollution: How Environmental Protesters Redefine Their Interests in a Chinese Village." (2010).
- (Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Bringing Justice to the Poor: Bottom-Up Legal Development Cooperation." 25 March 2009.
- (Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Politics of Law in China: Enforcement Campaigns in the Post-Mao Prc." 25 March 2009.
- (Working Paper) Lo, C.H.W., G.E. Fryxell, and B. Van Rooij. "Changes in Regulatory Enforcement Styles Among Environmental Enforcement Officials in China." China Europe Business School BMT, Working Paper, no. 3 (2009).
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Recent Developments in Environmental Law Practice in China.” Lecture at the Flemish Association for Environmental Law, Brussels, Belgium, 16 May 2009.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Adversarialism with Chinese Characteristics: Pollution Enforcement Changes between 1998 and 2006." Seminar lecture at the Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 17 March 2009.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Legal Empowerment of Pollution Victims in Indonesia.” Lecture at the NWO-WOTRO sponsored workshop organized together with the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19 and 20 January 2009.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Legal Empowerment of Pollution Victims in China.” Lecture at the NWO-WOTRO sponsored workshop organized together with the Chinese University of Politics and Law, Beijing, China, 16 and 17 January 2009.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "From Party Rule to Rule of Law? Three decades of Legal Reform in China." Paper presented at the Centre of International Legal Cooperation Seminar on Legal Reform and Development Cooperation in China, Leiden, The Netherlands, 25 January 2008.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "A Tale of Two Factories: Citizen Action against Pollution in China." Paper presented at the Social Science Research Council Workshop on Environment and Health in China, Hong Kong, China, 18 April 2008.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Future of China's Legal Reforms." Paper presented at the Clingendael Institute Seminar on the Future of China's Reforms, The Hague, The Netherlands, 22 August 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "De Evolutie van het Wetgevingsproces in China, Milieuwetgeving sinds de jaren negentig (The Evolution of the Lawmaking Process in China, Environmental Legislation Since the Nineties)." Lecture at the Lawmaking Academy, The Hague, The Netherlands, 29 May 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Interventies in het recht in ontwikkelingslanden, een inleiding (Interventions in Law in Developing Countries, An Introduction)." Lecture for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Hague, The Netherlands, 24 June 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "’Access to Justice' en juridische ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Access to Justice and Legal Development Cooperation)." Lecture for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, 26 June 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Rule of Law and Development, An Introduction." Lecture at the Foreign Affairs Training Program for "Het Klasje", Leiden Campus The Hague, The Hague, The Netherlands, 16 July 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "A Comparative Look at Chinese Pollution Regulation." Lecture at New York University, Law School, New York, USA, 17 November 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Understanding Pollution Law Enforcement in China." Lecture at New York University, Law School, New York, USA, 19 November 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Law Enforcement in China: A Dynamic View on Changes between 1998 and 2006." Presentation at Columbia University Law School, New York, USA, 19 November 2008.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Enforcing China's Environmental Law: Options, Experience, and Prospects." Lecture and Panel Discussion at the Asia Society and Council for Foreign Relations, New York, USA, 21 November 2008.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance in China, Understanding the Role of the State, Society and the Market." Presentation at the EU-China Co-Reach Conference on Social Scientific Research Collaboration, Beijing, China, 15 May 2008.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Improving Justice for the Poor, Bottom-up Approaches to Legal Development Cooperation." Paper presented at the Renmin University Conference Celebrating Thirty Years of Legal Reform in China, Beijing, China, 12 May 2008.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The People vs. Pollution, The role of citizens in industrial pollution regulation in China." Paper presented at the Colloquium on Environmental Politics in China, Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 December 2008.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "A Fragile Convergence, Understanding Variation in Pollution Law Enforcement in China 2000-2006." Paper presented at the Research Seminar Series, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong, China, 12 October 2008.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Greening Industry? An Assessment of the World Bank's New Pollution Regulation Model for Developing Countries." Paper presented at the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 28 July 2007.
- (Conference Report and Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Bringing Justice to the Poor, Bottom-Up Approaches to Legal Development Cooperation." Paper presented at the Law and Society Conference, Berlin, Germany, 26 July 2007, made public by the World Bank.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Politics of Law in China Enforcement Campaigns in the Post-Mao PRC." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European China Law Studies Association, Hamburg, Germany, 31 August 2007.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Civil Law in Action: Socio-Legal Approaches to Land Rights and Pollution Compensation in China." Paper presented at the Symposium on "The culture of civil law in China", Organized by Center for International Legal Cooperation, Leiden, The Netherlands, 19 June 2007.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Land Loss and Conflict in China, Illustrated with cases from Yunnan." Paper presented at the Conference of the NWO-SARO Research Project on Land Legalization, Leiden, The Netherlands, 26 September 2007.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "De Regulatie van Grond en Vervuiling in China (Land and Pollution Regulation in China)." Paper presented at a special session of the Dutch Environmental Law Association, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 20 September 2007.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Shizheng Faxue, Anzhao Yunnan de Tianye Diaocha kan Zhongguo Dangdai de Fa Shehuixue (Empirical Legal Studies, Experiences with Fieldwork in Yunnan Province and Insights about Contemporary Sociology of Law in China)" North-West University of Politics and Law, Faculty of Law, Jurisprudence Department, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, 10 April 2007.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Fazhan Yujingxia de Wuran Jianguan, Zhongguo de Lifa, Shoufa yu Zhifa Zhuangkuang ji he qita Guojia de Bijiao Yanjiu (Pollution Regulation in a Context of Development: China's Lawmaking, Compliance and Enforcement Compared to Other Countries)." Hongfan, MILES Institute of Legal and Economics Studies, Beijing, China, 14 April 2007.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Tongguo Lifa yu Zhifa Baohu Gengdi, Daqi yu Shui Ziyuan: Dui Difang Shoufa de Yingxiang, Zhongguo he Bijiaoxingde Guandian (Protecting Land, Air and Water through Lawmaking and Enforcement: The Local Impact on Compliance in a Chinese and Comparative Perspective)." Renmin University, Faculty of Law, Jurisprudence and Environmental Law Departments, Beijing, China, 16 April 2007.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Land and Pollution Regulation in South-West China." Guest lecture at the Department of Chinese Languages and Cultures, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 2 February 2007.
- (Invited Lectures) Van Rooij, Benjamin, and J. Ubink. "Governance and the Legal Framework." Series of guest lectures at the F.H.R. Lim A Po Institute, Paramaribo, Suriname, 2-10 January 2007.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Lawmaking, Compliance and Enforcement: Learning from Lake Dianchi." Guest Lecture at the Faculty of Law, Yunnan University, Kunming, Sichuan Province, China, 14 April 2006.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "How to use law against pollution and arable land loss: Lessons from Yunnan." Guest lecture at China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 29 November 2006.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Return of the Landlord, Chinese Land Acquisition Conflicts and Tenure Security Illustrated by Peri-Urban Kunming." Paper presented at the Conference of the Commission of Legal Pluralism and Folk Law, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1 July 2006.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "A Case Study of Chinese Land Acquisition Conflicts and Tenure Security." Paper presented at the Workshop for the project "The Mystery of Legal Failure? A Critical, Comparative Examination of the Potential of Legalization of Land Assets in Developing Countries for Achieving Legal Certainty." Leiden University, The Netherlands, 10 May 2006.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Regulating Land and Pollution in Peri-Urban Kunming." Guest lecture at the Faculty of Public Administration, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 19 April 2006.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Proces en Kwaliteit van Milieuwetgeving in China." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dutch Association for Social Scientific Study of Law, Doorn, The Netherlands, 7-8 December 2006.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Implementation of Law: Comparative Lessons About Regulatory Law drawn from Lake Dianchi." Paper presented at the Workshop on Making Law Work: Law Implementation in China, organized in Beijing, by the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, Sweden, 2-3 December 2006.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Implementation of Pollution Prevention and Land Regulation in Peri-Urban Kunming." Guest lecture at the Faculty of Law, Leuven University, Belgium, 15 May 2006.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Studying Compliance and Violation at Lake Dianchi." Guest lecture at the Criminology Department, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 15 June 2006.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Why Implementation Has Failed. Lawmaking, Compliance and Enforcement of Pollution and Arable Protection Law in South-West China." Paper presented at the Focus Asia Lectures, Legal and Social Justice in Modern China, Lund University, Sweden, 24 November 2005.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "De Implementatie van Chinees Milieurecht." Lecture at the Studiekring Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken, Koninklijke Landbouwkundige Vereniging, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 7 December 2005.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Protecting Land, Air and Water, Implementation of Natural Resource Protection Law in Peri-Urban China, Posterpresentatie." Poster presented at the Conference of the Vereniging Sociaalwetenschappelijke bestudering van Recht (VSR), Hoeven, The Netherlands, 9 December 2005.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Implementation of Chinese Environment law - Regular Enforcement, Political Campaigns and Lessons for Law and Development." Paper presented at the European Association of Development Institutes, Working Group on Law and Development, 11th Conference on Insecurity and Development, Bonn, Germany, 21-24 September 2005.
- (Invited Lectures) Van Rooij, Benjamin, and J. Ubink. "Governance and the Legal Framework." Series of guest lectures at the F.H.R. Lim A Po Institute, Paramaribo, Suriname, 14-22 June 2005.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Towards Compliance: Recommendations for Chinese Environmental Law Enforcement." Paper presented at the Enrich Conference, Setting the Agenda for China's Environmental Reform: Past, Present and Future Trends, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 6-7 June 2004.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Implementation of Pollution Prevention and Arable Land Protection Law in Peri-Urban Kunming." Guest lecture at the Academic Forum of the Environmental Resources and Energy Law Research Institute, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 14 December 2004.
- (Invited Lectures) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Anthropology of Law", Guest lecture series (sixty hours) for PhD students at the Faculty of Law at Yunnan University, Kunming, Sichuan Province, China, 1 March-15 June 2004.
- (Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Enhancing Environmental Protection Law, Political Enforcement Campaigns in China 2001-2002." Van Vollenhoven Research Report 04, no. 5 (2004): 1-25.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Compensation Law: Dutch and Socio-Legal Lessons." International Symposium on Legislation for Environmental Damage Compensation, China University of Politics and Law, Beijing, August 15 (2004): 193-208.
- (Working Paper) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Towards Compliance: Recommendations for Chinese Environmental Law Enforcement." Van Vollenhoven Research Report 04, no. 6 (2004): 1-39.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "China's War on Graft, Politico-Legal Campaigns against Corruption in China and their Lessons for the Regulatory State." Paper presented at the EIAS Conference on Taiwan and China in the Global Communities, Leiden, The Netherlands, 21 October 2003.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Law Inspection Agents in China." Paper Presented at the Aladin Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 26 April 2003.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Law Enforcement in China." Guest lecture at the Royal Dutch Embassy in Beijing, China, 27 March 2003.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Helan Falü Tixi yu Huanjingfa Jieshao. (The Dutch Legal System and an Introduction to Environmental Law)." Guest lecture at the Faculty of Law, Yunnan University, Kunming, Sichuan Province, China, 8 March 2003.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Is China Developing a Rule of Law? Lessons from Environmental Law Enforcement Campaigns." Guest lecture at the Department of Chinese Languages and Cultures, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 5 February 2003.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Helan Huanjingfa Tixi yu Wushuichulichang de Juti Yaoqiu (The Dutch System of Environmental Law and the Specific Requirements for Water Treatment Plants)." Guest lecture for the Suining Environmental Protection Bureau and Water Treatment Plant Staff, Suining, Sichuan Province, China, 15 July 2002.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Huanjing Lifa yu Jingjifazhan (Environmental Legislation and Economic Development)." Guest lecture for the Honors Class in Sustainable Development at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, 12 July 2002.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Structurele Problemen van Milieurechtshandhaving in China. (Structural Problems in Environmental Law Enforcement in China)." Guest lecture for teachers of a VROM project about law enforcement in China, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22 October 2002.
- (Invited Lecture) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Enforcement of Environmental Law in China." Lecture at the Meijers Institute, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 25 February 2002.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Double pressure on enforcement." Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the VSR, Vereniging Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke bestudering van het Recht, Bergen aan Zee, The Netherlands, 12 December 2002.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "China's Legal Tradition, Changing Perceptions of Law and Legal Practice in Imperial China." Paper presented at the Early Law, Symposium on the Origins of Legal Development, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 2002.
- (Conference Report) Bedner, A.W., and B. van Rooij. "Deciding on Enforcement, a theoretical study of why enforcement agents in developing countries initiate enforcement actions upon complaints of violations of EP law." Paper presented at the INSELA Conference on Environmental Disputes and Enforcement of Environmental Law in Indonesia, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2001.
- (Conference Report) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "The Enforceability of Chinese Water Pollution Regulation, Feasible possibilities for improvement?" Paper presented at the International Seminar on Environmental and Resources Law, organized by Wuhan University and Fujian University, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China, 26-30 October 2001.
- (Invited Lectures) Van Rooij, Benjamin. "Environmental Law and Indicators for the Quality of Legislation." Series of guest lectures at Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, September-November 2001.