Cindy Thomas Archer

Legal Analysis and Communication; Civil Litigation Practice; Lawyer-Client Relationship; Professional Responsibility; Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills; Cultural Humility in Client Representation; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education
Cindy Thomas Archer joined UCI Law as a Professor of Lawyering Skills in 2020. Prior to her appointment, she was a Clinical Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Clinical Programs and Experiential Education at LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles where she was influential in inaugurating the Loyola Social Justice Law Clinic. Passionate about inclusive excellence in education, Prof. Archer was inaugural director of Loyola’s first generation law student program; chaired not only the law school Equity and Inclusion Committee but was a member of the university President’s Implicit Bias Taskforce and served as developer, facilitator and trainer for the university-wide training programs. In 2018, Prof. Archer was recognized by the Loyola Marymount University CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice with a “Hidden Hero Award.” In 2019, she was inducted as an honorary member into Alpha Sigma Nu, the honor society of Jesuit universities, recognizing students and community members who excel in scholarship, loyalty and service, and promote Ignatian values for life.
Prof. Archer’s expertise and experience includes Legal Analysis and Communication; Experiential Education; Civil Litigation Practice; various aspects of the Lawyer-Client Relationship: a Lawyer’s Professional Responsibility and Access to Justice, Client Interviewing and Counseling Skills, and Cultural Humility in Client Representation; Inclusive Excellence in Legal Education. She has been a regular presenter and invited panelist on topics related to experiential education, cultural competence in lawyering skills curriculum, and clinical legal education.
Throughout her career, Prof. Archer has been active in regional and national professional organizations promoting and supporting the work of lawyering skills as a discipline. Prof. Archer has lectured on a variety of professional responsibility topics for local bar associations and served on boards and committees of local affinity bar associations.
(Log in to view full course descriptions in the UCI Law Course Catalog)
- Archer, Jarvis, Galler, Spitzer, Wilson, Wojcik, Law Students and Cell Phone Use: Results of a Six-School Survey, 89 UMKC Law Review ___ (2020).
- Archer, “Hamilton’s Take on Legal Research and Writing Faculty and Law School Leadership,” 24 The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute 41-45 (2019).
- April 2022: Panelist, “Best Practices for Remote and Hybrid Education,” Online and Hybrid Learning Pedagogy Conference, University of Denver, Sturm College of Law
- Dec. 10, 2021: Speaker, “The Supervisor’s Meeting: Reporting on Research in ‘Natural Language,’” LWI One-Day Workshop, The Changing Role of Legal Research in the LRW Curriculum, UNLV, Boyd School of Law
- Dec. 4, 2021: Speaker, “At Our School, They Allow us to Become Deans,” LWI One-Day Workshop, Rethinking Leadership: An LRW Perspective on Institutional Hierarchies, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law
- Dec. 3, 2021: Speaker, “I Can’t Believe My Eyes: the Potential to Mitigate Bias in Anonymous Grading?” LWI One-Day Workshop, Looking Forward: Strategies for Assessment that Ensure Equity, Measure, Learning, and Prepare Students for the Demands of Practice, Stetson University College of Law
- Nov. 13, 2021: Panelist, “Developing Remote and Hybrid Education,” Western Regional Legal Writing Conference, Golden Gate University School of Law
- April 22, 2021: Featured Speaker, Creating Excellence: A Public Forum with the Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Awardees, UCI Office of Inclusive Excellence, Online
- August 2020: Panel Moderator, Law & Literature and the Power of Narrative, South East Association of Law Schools Conference, Online
- November 2019: Invited Panelist, "Reimagining Clinical Programs and Field Placement Experiences," Reimagining Advocacy Conference, Stetson University College of Law, Gulfport, FL
- October 2019: Invited Panelist, “Microaggressions in the Law School Environment," LatCrit Faculty Development Workshop, Georgia State University, College of Law, Atlanta, GA
- June 2019: Invited Panelist, Panel Presentation for Newly Appointed Associate Deans, BA Associate Deans Section Conference, Chicago, IL
- May 2019: Invited Panelist, "Legal Writing Leadership within the Academy," Leadership Academy, Association of Legal Writing Directors Biennial Conference, Boston, MA
- January 2019: Faculty Development Workshop Presentation, “Teaching Law Students to Think Deeply about Cross-cultural Competency as a part of Professional Identity Formation and Avoiding the Minefields of the Well-Intentioned but Uninformed," Nova Southeastern University Law School, Davies, FL