Alejandro Camacho
Faculty Director, Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources
Joint appointment in Law and Political Science

Environmental law, natural resource law, land use regulation, biotechnology regulation, regulatory design and government organization, property
Professor Camacho’s scholarship explores the goals, structures, and processes of regulation, with a particular focus on natural resources and public lands law, pollution control law, and land use regulation. His writing generally considers the role of public participation and scientific expertise in regulation, the allocation of authority and relationships between regulatory institutions, and how the design and goals of legal institutions must and can be reshaped to more effectively account for emerging technologies and the dynamic character of natural and human systems.
His legal scholarship includes articles published or forthcoming in the Virgina Law Review, UCLA Law Review, Washington University Law Review, Emory Law Journal, BYU Law Review, North Carolina Law Review, Colorado Law Review, Ohio State Law Journal, Yale Journal on Regulation, Harvard Journal on Legislation, Stanford Environmental Law Journal, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, Regulation & Governance, and Law, Innovation, & Technology. Professor Camacho is the co-author, with Robert Glicksman, of Reorganizing Government: A Functional and Dimensional Framework, published by NYU Press in 2019. He is also the co-author of Property: Cases & Materials, Fifth Edition (with James Charles Smith and Edward J. Larson) (Aspen 2022), and Environmental Protection: Law and Policy, Ninth Edition (with Robert L. Glicksman, William W. Buzbee, Daniel R. Mandelker, and Emily Hammond) (Aspen 2023).
Professor Camacho’s interdisciplinary research has involved collaborations with experts in ecology, land use planning, political science, computer science, genetics, philosophy, and sociology. He is the principal investigator on the $1.2 million Integrated and Equitable Climate Action project, which aims to align local plans with California’s climate mandates while developing best practices for effective and equitable adaptation planning. He is a principal or co-investigator on six other ongoing funded research projects. His scientific publications include articles published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, BioScience, the Journal of Applied Ecology, Frontiers in Climate, and Issues in Science and Technology.
He is a frequent public speaker and has contributed opinion pieces or interviews for various print and radio news outlets (including the Los Angeles Times, Houston Chronicle, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Denver Post, The Australian, Discover, Nature Climate Change, Bloomberg, Businessweek, HuffPost, Mother Jones, The Hill, Washington Post and National Public Radio stations).
Professor Camacho is an elected member of the American Law Institute. He also serves as the inaugural Faculty Director of the UCI Law Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources, which seeks to promote policy-relevant research and public engagement through conferences, lectures, publications, stakeholder facilitation on a variety of regional and national environmental issues, and extensive interdisciplinary research. He is on the Board of Directors and a Scholar at the Center for Progressive Reform, a nonprofit think tank devoted to issues of environmental protection and safety. He holds a courtesy appointment in Political Science at UCI’s School of Social Sciences, and is the former chair of the Association of American Law Schools’ Section on Natural Resources.
In Fall 2017, he was the Florence Rogatz Visiting Professor of Law at the Yale Law School. Before joining UCI, Professor Camacho was an Associate Professor at the Notre Dame Law School, a research fellow at the Georgetown University Law Center, and practiced environmental and land use law.
(Log in to view full course descriptions in the UCI Law Course Catalog)
- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: LAW AND POLICY, NINTH EDITION (with Robert L. Glicksman, William W. Buzbee, Daniel R. Mandelker, and Emily Hammond) (Aspen 2023).
- TEACHER’S MANUAL, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: LAW AND POLICY, NINTH EDITION (with Robert L. Glicksman, William W. Buzbee, Daniel R. Mandelker, and Emily Hammond) (Aspen 2023).
- TEACHER’S MANUAL, PROPERTY: CASES & MATERIALS, FIFTH EDITION (with James Charles Smith and Edward J. Larson) (Aspen 2022).
- PROPERTY: CASES & MATERIALS, FIFTH EDITION (with James Charles Smith and Edward J. Larson) (Aspen 2022).
- REORGANIZING GOVERNMENT: A FUNCTIONAL AND DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK (with Robert L. Glicksman) (NYU PRESS 2019) (reviewed by Joel A. Mintz, 5 ADMIN. L. REV. ACCORD 81-84 (2019); P. Lermack, 57 CHOICE 695 (2020); Antonio Villalpando Acuña, 29 GESTIÓN Y POLÍTICA PÚBLICA 503-509 (2020)).
- Managing ecosystem effects in an era of rapid climate change, in CLIMATE CHANGE LAW 555-566 (ELGAR, DANIEL FARBER & MARJAN PEETERS, EDS. 2016).
- Maintaining Resilience in the Face of Climate Change, in SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL RESILIENCE AND LAW 235-264 (COLUMBIA UNIV. PRESS 2014) (with T. Douglas Beard).
- Managing Adaptation: Developing a Learning Infrastructure in the United States’ Federal System, in IMPLEMENTING ADAPTATION STRATEGIES BY LEGAL, ECONOMIC AND PLANNING INSTRUMENTS ON CLIMATE CHANGE 41-54 (SPRINGER 2014).
- The Case for Addressing Ecological Risk from Emerging Biotechnologies and an Agenda for Future Reforms, 85 OHIO ST. L. J. (with David Dana) (forthcoming 2025).
- Adapting Conservation Governance under Climate Change: Lessons from Tribal Country, 110 VA. L. REV. 1549 (2024) (with Elizabeth Kronk Warner, Jason McLachlan, and Nathan Kroeze).
- In the Anthropocene: Adaptive Law, Ecological Health, and Biotechnologies, 15 LAW, INNOVATION & TECH. 280-312, doi: 10.1080/17579961.2023.2184133 (2023).
- Six Priority Recommendations for Improving Conservation under the ESA, 51 ENVTL. L. REP. 10785-10804 (with Melissa L. Kelly & Ya-Wei Li) (2021).
- Designing Regulation Across Organizations: Assessing the Functions and Dimensions of Governance, 15 REG. & GOVERNANCE S102-S122 (2021) (with Robert L. Glicksman) (peer reviewed).
- Structured to Fail: Lessons from The Trump Administration’s Faulty Pandemic Planning and Response, 10 MICH. J. ENVTL. & ADMIN. L. 329-81 (2021) (with Robert L. Glicksman).
- De- and Re-constructing Public Governance for Biodiversity Conservation, 73 VAND. L. REV. 1585-1641 (2020).
- Beyond Preemption, Toward Metropolitan Governance, 39 STAN. ENVTL. L.J. 125-198 (2020) (with Nicholas J. Marantz).
- The Trump Card: Tarnishing Planning, Democracy, and the Environment, 50 ENVTL. L. REP. 10281-89 (2020) (with Robert L. Glicksman).
- Bulldozing Infrastructure Planning and the Environment through Trump’s Executive Order 13807, 91 U. COLO. L. REV. 511 (2020).
- Presenter, The Law and Ethics of Cross-Ocean Coral Transplantation, UNIV. OF MINNESOTA LAW SCHOOL, March 6, 2025 (confirmed).
- Discussant, The Endangered Species Act: The Next 50 Years, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, Nov. 17, 2024.
- Panelist, Structural Choices in Institutional Governance Design, REGULATORY GOVERNANCE IN A CHANGING WORLD, UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW SCHOOL, June 17-18, 2024 (panel dedicated to ALEJANDRO E. CAMACHO & ROBERT L. GLICKSMAN, REORGANIZING GOVERNMENT).
- Presenter, Governing Ecological Risk from Emerging Biotechnologies, Pathways towards the safe and effective deployment of engineered microbial technologies, CALTECH CENTER FOR SCIENCE, SOCIETY, AND PUBLIC POLICY, Feb 27-28, 2024.
- Panelist, President Biden’s Executive Order and Addressing Ecological Risk from Emerging Biotechnologies, What Next? The Rise, Fall, and Future of American Environmental Law, OHIO STATE UNIV. LAW SCHOOL, Feb. 23, 2024.
- Speaker, Chancellor’s Chair Investiture, UNIV. OF CALIF., IRVINE, April 17, 2023.
- Speaker, Advancing Ecological Conservation on Tribal Lands under Climate Change, BIODIVERSITY CONFERENCE, LEWIS & CLARK LAW SCHOOL, April 7, 2023.
- Panelist, Assisted Migration in a Rapidly Changing World, PUBLIC INTEREST ENVIRONMENTAL LAW CONFERENCE, UNIV. OF OREGON, March 4, 2023.
- Speaker, Reconsidering Conservation Governance in the Anthropocene, STANFORD LAW SCHOOL, Oct. 12, 2022.
- Speaker, Reconsidering Conservation Governance in the Anthropocene, UNIV. OF CALIF., IRVINE, Sept. 21, 2022.
- Presenter, Environmental Law and Ethics in the Anthropocene, Reimagining UCI in a Climate-Changed World, UNIV. OF CALIF., IRVINE, April 18, 2022.
- Panelist, Recommendations, Implementation of the Endangered Species Act, U.S. DEPT. OF INTERIOR, April 12, 2022.
- Presenter, The Future of Conservation? Law and Ethics in the Anthropocene, NORTHWESTERN UNIV. LAW SCHOOL, March 17, 2022.
- Elected Fellow, American Bar Foundation, 2020-Present.
- Nominee, 2L/3L Professor of the Year, U.C. IRVINE SCHOOL OF LAW, 2019-20.
- Top Ranked U.S. Legal Scholars for Interdisciplinary Scholarly Impact, 2019 (ranked thirty-first).
- Elected Member, AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE, 2017-Present.
- Top Twenty Article of the Year, FIFTEENTH ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & POLICY ANNUAL REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW INSTITUTE AND VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL (awarded for Beyond Preemption, Toward Metropolitan Governance, 39 STAN. ENVTL. L.J. 125-198 (2020) (with Nicholas J. Marantz))
- UC Irvine Law Rings in 2025 with National Leadership Roles in Law, Policy and Academia
- The Hill: Inefficient and reckless: Why DOGE could be so dangerous (Op-Ed)
- Prof. Alex Camacho Leads Legal Analysis of the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 in Letter to U.S. House and Senate Leaders
- Faculty Roundup (October 2024)
- Faculty Roundup: The Latest Highlights From UCI Law’s Faculty (July 2024)
- The Center for Land, Environment & Natural Resources: Report Unveils Civil Rights Violations in California Pesticide Regulations
- Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources: Annual Report January 2024
- Center for Land, Environment and Natural Resources: Bridging state, local climate action
- The Hill: Imagining the next 50 years of the Endangered Species Act (op-ed)
- Center for Progressive Reform: Celebrating 50 Years of Impact: The Endangered Species Act
- Sierra Club: Assisted Migration Helps Animals Adapt to Climate Change
- Integrated and Equitable Climate Action Awarded $1.2 Million to Advance IECA Across the State
- Faculty Roundup: The Latest Highlights from UCI Law’s Faculty
- University of California: University of California awards more than $80 million in state-funded grants to spur climate action
- UCI News: 3 UC Irvine professors garner $8.7 million in state support for climate action projects – UCI News
- NPR: The EPA plans to retool its pesticide program in an effort to protect endangered animals
- The Washington Post: Climate change destroys habitats. Relocation of the animals is tricky.
- Stateline: Climate change is destroying habitats. But relocating species could be tricky.
- UCI Law Community Honors Professors Alejandro Camacho and Rachel Moran
- UCI News: Prof. Camacho discusses impact of climate change and the solutions needed to advance policy
- CPRBlog: Prof. Camacho writes on moves by the Bureau of Land Management to protect public lands and curb climate change
- CBS Los Angeles: WATCH: Prof. Camacho quoted on federal charges filed against companies for Orange County oil spill
- Center for Progressive Reform: Prof. Camacho joins the Center for Progressive Reform Board of Directors
- Eos: Prof. Camacho quoted on laws around transporting and planting seeds, climate change and the future of forests
- CPRBlog: Biden Picks Conservation Advocate Tracy Stone-Manning to Lead the Bureau of Land Management. Here are Five Priorities for Our Public Lands
- SCOTUSblog: Prof. Camacho and Melissa Kelly: Court favors deliberative process privilege protections over FOIA transparency goals
- Grist: Prof. Camacho quoted on 21st Century Conservation Corps Act and Biden’s Civilian Climate Corps initiative
- Center for Progressive Reform: WATCH: Prof. Camacho comments on his work on the Climate, Energy, Justice Report providing climate policy recommendations to Congress
- The Regulatory Review: Prof. Camacho’s essays on the Trump Administration’s pandemic response and revisions to regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act highlighted among top contributor essays of 2020
- UCI Podcast: LISTEN: Prof. Camacho discusses ways the Biden administration can advance its environmental agenda
- SCOTUSblog: Prof. Camacho and Melissa Kelly write argument analysis on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service v. Sierra Club
- SCOTUSblog: Prof. Camacho and Melissa Kelly write preview of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service v. Sierra Club
- A Hard Look Podcast: LISTEN: Prof. Camacho discusses his book co-authored with Robert Glicksman: “Reorganizing Government: A Functional and Dimensional Framework”
- Penn Program on Regulation: WATCH: Prof. Camacho participates in panel discussion on the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for U.S. regulatory law
- The Regulatory Review: Prof. Camacho and Robert L. Glicksman op-ed: The Trump Administration’s latest unconstitutional power grab
- SCOTUSblog: Prof. Camacho and Melissa Kelly highlighted for essay on County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund in the Regulatory Review
- The Regulatory Review: Prof. Camacho and Melissa Kelly op-ed: The shape of water after County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund
- Bloomberg Law: Prof. Camacho quoted on BLM violating goals and purpose of NEPA
- The Regulatory Review: Prof. Camacho co-writes op-ed on the Trump Administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Federal News Network: Prof. Camacho quoted on Republican Study Committee recommendations to alter ESA, NEPA processes through COVID-19 relief bills