Ayami Nieves


Senior Staff Attorney, Public Law Center


Ayami Nieves is a Senior Staff Attorney in the Public Law Center (PLC) in Orange County and is a 40-hour Certified Domestic Violence Advocate. Their work in PLC's Family Law Unit and their practice focuses on family law issues such as domestic violence restraining orders, divorces, guardianships, adoptions, parentage, and special immigrant juvenile status state findings with a focus on survivors of domestic violence. They have represented youth and adult clients in hearings and trials. 

They have experience litigating in state court, particularly in Orange County. After law school, they were a volunteer and fellow with Community Legal Aid SoCal. They graduated from Whittier Law School with a certificate in Children's Rights and worked extensively in their Guardianship Clinic. They received their B.A. in History from the University of California, San Diego. 

Ayami Nieves is a Santa Ana native and is a supporter and alumn of the Achievement Institute for STEM scholars (AISS) that assists high-achieving, economically disadvantaged high school students interested in pursuing a career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields with a goal to break the cycle of poverty.


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