Framework for Success

At UCI Law, we are committed to helping you chart a successful path towards achieving your goals, whatever they may be. If one of your goals is obtaining a position practicing law in the United States, we stand ready to assist you in the following ways:
Individual Career Counseling
Our staff will meet with you individually to discuss your career-related goals. We can help you explore a variety of legal career options, realistically assess which options may be best for you and develop a plan to pursue them. We also offer assistance with preparation of position application materials, including providing resume, cover letter, writing sample, and reference guides. And we can help you develop networking strategies and prepare for interviews.
Career Education
The legal profession comprises many areas of practice, each requiring distinct knowledge, skills and abilities. Throughout the academic year, we conduct panel discussions, brown bag lunches and workshops covering a broad range of topics, including job search basics, substantive practice overviews and self-assessment.
Access to Career-Related Resources
LL.M. students will have access to our many job search resources, including UCI Law’s online jobs board, Legal Employment Opportunities (LEO) and other job aggregator subscription sites, and the Career Development Library.
Please note that UCI Law does not provide job placement services to LL.M. students. Rather, we assist you in exploring career opportunities and shaping your professional development so as to maximize your potential.
Admission to a U.S. state bar is required to practice law in the U.S. Additionally, the Juris Doctor (J.D.) is the preferred degree of practice regardless of bar admission status. The job market for LL.M.-holders in the U.S. is extremely limited. We encourage all applicants with the goal of practicing in the U.S. to either: 1) consider applying to our J.D. program via our LL.M. transfer application process; or 2) consider applying directly to our J.D. program.
For more information on bar admission requirements, see U.S. Bar Requirements.