Career Opportunities and Externships in New York

Career Opportunities

As the world’s leading financial center and the largest legal market in the United States, New York City offers myriad professional opportunities in both the private and public sectors.  If you plan to relocate or return to New York following graduation, you can seek support through UCI Law in NYC in several ways:

  • meet with a counselor in the Career Development Office (which is comprised of attorneys with practice experience from international law firms on the East Coast, including New York) who advises students interested in applying for private sector summer and post-graduation positions in New York
  • meet with a counselor in the Career Development Office who advises students on public sector career opportunities, including in New York
  • attend programs on externing and practicing in New York  
  • login to LEO, UC Irvine Law’s job database, to view opportunities in New York using the “Metro All” filter and entering New York (opportunities are updated daily) and utilize the CDO’s other Job Search Resources to find opportunities in New York
  • review the law school’s past placement lists (Past Placements in Public Interest, Past Placements in Government, and Past Externships in Judicial Chambers) to see where UC Irvine Law students have worked in the past, including employers located in New York
  • connect with UC Irvine Law alumni locating in New York using the UC Irvine Law Alumni Resource List
  • explore UC Irvine Law’s Early Interview Week (EIW), the law school’s annual four-day interview program in late summer geared toward the nation’s largest law firms (including law firms with New York offices) looking to interview 2Ls for summer positions
  • if you plan to be in New York for all or part of the summer, contact Professor Joshua Blank, who oversees UCI Law in NYC, to join the annual summer program and to sign up to be paired with a NYC mentor (an established practitioner who will meet with you and advise you during your summer in New York)

Externships in NYC

Consistent with its deep commitment to experiential learning, UC Irvine Law actively supports students who are interested in pursuing externships for academic credit in New York City during the academic year as well as the summer.  The UC Irvine Law Externship Program assists students who would like to pursue externships in New York with federal and state government agencies, non-profit organizations, judges and, for Tax LLM students, private sector organizations.  

The Externship Program assists students interested in externing in New York in several ways, including:

  • placement search assistance with the Director of Externships
  • connection to alumni and/or current students who have externed In New York
  • assistance with curriculum sequencing to determine when a New York externship is right for you
  • continued support during your externship through individualized, reflective meetings and tutorials

Recent examples of student externship experiences include:

Interested students should review the UC Irvine Law externship policies and the Externships Office for more information.

New York State Bar Examination

If you expect to take the New York State Bar Exam, you should plan ahead by reviewing the checklist of requirements and contact the Law School’s Registrar’s Office with any questions.