Key Cards
A key card is necessary for access to the following:
- MPAA, Education and Law building entrance doors, on weekdays after regular business hours and on weekends
- The main suite entrances within those buildings, on weekdays during regular business hours from 8 AM to 5PM (on weekdays after 5 PM and on weekends suites are not accessible by key card)
- MPAA 4th floor Student Lounge and Classrooms for 24/7 study access
- The Law Clinic, Law Review, Student Org. & Moot Court offices (when assigned)
- The Law Library & Library CA room in accordance with the Library's scheduled hours for access
Law Students: IF YOU LOSE OR MISPLACE YOUR KEY CARD, contact the Facilities Department immediately to have it disabled and request a replacement card. A nonrefundable replacement fee of $15, paid in advance through this online payment form, is required to receive a new card. You will be contacted by email at your LawNet email account when a new card is ready to be picked up.