Faculty Roundup: The latest highlights from UCI Law’s faculty

October 2024


Swethaa Ballakrishnen 

  • “Kanoon’s Sarange: Goodrich and the Non-Minor Jurisprudences of Law and Love,” Law, Culture and the Humanities (July 2024) 
  • “Categorical Closure: Transitivity and Identities in Longitudinal Networks,” Social Networks, Volume 79, Pages 76-92 (Oct. 2024) 
  • “At Odds with Everything around Me: Vulnerability Politics and Its (Out of) Place in the Socio-legal Academy,” Ch. 7 in Out of Place Fieldwork and Positionality in Law and Society (L. Chua and M.F. Massoud eds.) (2024) 

Speaking engagements: 

  • Panelist, “Roundtable on Innovative Approaches to Inequality and Teaching: Integrating Social Reality and Empirical Research on Legal Education into Law Training,” Widening the Lens of Justice: A 20th Anniversary New Legal Realism Conference on Inclusion, “Bleached Out” Identity, and Ethics in Legal Education, Harvard Law School (Oct. 2024) 
  • Non-Marriage Roundtable, University of Virginia School of Law (Sept. 2024) 
  • State of Public Defense in California, UC Davis School of Law (Sept. 2024) 

Mary Basick, Assistant Dean for Academic Skills

  • Essay Exam Writing for the California Bar Exam, 3rd Edition (Aspen Publishing, forthcoming 2025) 

Speaking engagement: 

  • Invited speaker/presenter, California State Bar's inaugural workshop series for repeat bar takers (June 2024) 

Joshua D. Blank

  • New book, "Untaxed: The Rich, the IRS, and a New Approach to Tax Compliance" (co-authored with Ari Glogower) will be published by Cambridge University Press in December. “Untaxed” offers a fresh perspective on the long-standing dilemma of tax avoidance and evasion by the rich by proposing a new legal response: means-based adjustments to the tax compliance rules. The book has received endorsements from Joel Slemrod (Michigan), Anne Alstott (Yale), Reuven Avi-Yonah (Michigan), Gabriel Zucman (Berkeley), and Chye-Ching Huang (Tax Law Center at NYU Law).  Pre-ordering is available through Cambridge University Press and Amazon. 

Alejandro Camacho 

  • “Adapting Conservation Governance under Climate Change: Lessons from Tribal Country,” 110 Va. L. Rev. (with Elizabeth Kronk Warner, Jason McLachlan, and Nathan Kroeze) (forthcoming 2024)
  • “A Missed Opportunity to Address Ecological Risk from Emerging Biotechnologies: President Biden’s Executive Order on a ‘Sustainable’ Bioeconomy and an Agenda for Future Reforms,” 85 Ohio St. L. J. (with David Dana) (forthcoming 2024) 
  • “Governance Limitations of the Coordinated Framework’s Regulation of EMERs,” in Caltech Center for Science, Society, and Public Policy, Policy Recommendations for the Regulation of Engineered Microbes for Environmental Release (2024)

Speaking engagement: 

  • Panelist, “Structural Choices in Institutional Governance Design, Regulatory Governance in a Changing World,” Univ. of Pennsylvania Law School, June 2024 (panel dedicated to Alejandro E. Camacho & Robert L. Glicksman’s book, Reorganizing Government)  

Veena Dubal 

  • Data Laws at Work, Yale Law Journal Forum (forthcoming) 
  • Digital Labor Platforms as Machines of Production, Yale Journal of Law & Technology (2024) (with Vitor Araújo Filguieras) 
  • The Legal Uncertainties of Gig Work, in The Oxford Handbook of the Law of Work (Guy Davidov, Brian Langille, Gillian Lester eds. 2024) 

Speaking engagements: 

  • Data Rights at Work, What is Data Panel, Law and Political Economy of Technology Workshop, Harvard University (Sept. 2024) 
  • Data Rights at Work, Worker and Employer Power in the American Political Economy Workshop, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sept. 2024) 
  • Data Rights at Work, VII Seminário Nacional do Movimento Advocacia Trabalhista Independente, Sao Paulo, Brazil (August 2024) 
  • Panelist, Regulatory Challenges of Gig Work, The Algorithmic Workplace, Northeastern University (May 2024)  
  • Myth and Measurement of Wages in Digitalized Labor Management, American Bar Foundation Speaker Series (May 2024) 


Andrew Gold 

  • “Private Law's Choice of Private Law,” in Interstitial Private Law (Samuel L. Bray, John C.P Goldberg, Paul B. Miller & Henry E. Smith, eds.) (Oxford University Press 2024) 
  • “The Equity in Corporate Law,” Volume 100, Notre Dame Law Review (forthcoming)  
  • “Legal Concepts as a Deep Structure of the Law: Reinach's A Priori in Action,” forthcoming in Reinach and the Foundations of Private Law (Marietta Auer, et al., eds.) (Cambridge University Press) (co-authored with Henry Smith)  
  • “The Elegance of Private Law,” forthcoming in Understanding Private Law: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Smith (Evan Fox-Decent, et al., eds.) (Hart Publishing) 

 Speaking engagements: 

  • Co-organizer, New Trends in Legal Realism Conference, Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany (Oct. 2024), presenting paper, “Managing Legal Concepts: Maintenance, Modulation, Modification,” co-authored with Henry Smith 
  • Co-organizer, Good Faith and Loyalty Conference, Notre Dame Law School (June 2025), for publication with the journal Theoretical Inquiries in the Law; co-editing a special issue of Theoretical Inquiries and the Law and publishing paper (with Genevieve Helleringer) for the conference and journal 
  • Invited paper presenter, Legal Reasoning: System in the Law Conference co-sponsored by Harvard Law School and University of Hamburg, hosted by Harvard Law School (June 2025) 
  • Invited paper presenter, Obligations XI Biennial Conference themed “Private Law: Inside and Out,” Harvard Law School (July 2025) 
  • Co-organizer, “The Past, Present, and Future of Fiduciary Law: Essays in Honor of Deborah A. DeMott” Conference for the journal Law & Contemporary Problems, Duke Law School (Sept. 2025); honoring the work of Deborah DeMott in recognition of her 50 years on the Duke Law faculty. Prof. Gold will subsequently publish a paper for the L&CP symposium, and will be a co-editor of the journal issue. 

Kevin Haeberle 
Speaking engagement: 

  • Presenter, Eleventh Annual Corporate and Securities Litigation Workshop, UCLA Law School (fall 2024) — presented essay, “Reforming Securities Litigation & Enforcement for ESG Disclosure,” which is forthcoming in the Review of Litigation's Symposium Issue on ESG and Litigation, a journal published out of the University of Texas

Maureen Johnson 

  • “Garland v. Cargill: It’s a Duck! Except at the Supreme Court...” (forthcoming, Chapman Law Review, Dec 2024). The article was scheduled with an early publication date from Chapman Law Review because of the timeliness of the topic. The article addresses the potential impact of the Supreme Court decision in Garland v. Cargill in the context of the heightened concern for civil unrest surrounding the 2024 presidential election. The article also discusses other key cases decided at the end of this year's Supreme Court term.  

Ji Li 

  • Negotiating Legality: Chinese Companies in the United States (Cambridge University Press 2024) 

Speaking engagements: 

  • Book talk on “Negotiating Legality,” UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (Oct. 2024) 
  • “Chinese Immigrant Lawyers in the U.S.,” International Legal Ethics Conference, University of Amsterdam (July 2024) 
  • “Foreign Investment Screening in China and the U.S.,” 2024 National Business Law Scholars Conference, UC Davis School of Law (June 2024) 

Elizabeth Loftus 

  • Interpreting eyewitness confidence: Numeric, Verbal and Graded Verbal Scales, (with R.L. Greenspan), Applied Cognitive Psychology (in press)  
  • Repressed Memories (of Sexual Abuse Against Minors) and Statutes of Limitations in Europe (with D. Deferme, H. Otgaar, O. Dodier, A. Korner, I. Mangiulli, H. Merckelbach, M. Sauerland and M. Panzavolta), Topics in Cognitive Science (2024, in press) 

Speaking engagement: 

  • Speech, BergamoScienza Festival, Bergamo, Italy (Oct. 2024) 

Carrie Menkel-Meadow 

  • Can We Keep Hope Alive? Review of Oded Adomi Leshem’s Hope Amidst Conflict: Philosophical and Psychological Explorations, Political Psychology (September 25, 2024) 
  • Book chapter, “Dispute Resolution as Civil Justice: The Evolution of Process Pluralism,” in Elgar Handbook of Civil Justice (Anne Bloom, David Engel and Richard Jolly eds.) 
  • Dispute Resolution: Beyond the Adversary Model, 4th ed., (with Love, Schneider, Moffitt & Blankly) (Aspen 2024) 
  • International Conflict Resolution Processes (with Andrea Kupfer Schneider) (Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming)  
  • Conflict Resolution in Encyclopedia of Peace 

Speaking engagements: 

  • Bruce Hafen Lecture, "Why Are There Not Only Two Sides to Most Legal Problems: Wicked Problems and Multi-Party, Multi Issue Disputes,” BYU Law School (Oct. 2024) 
  • “Searching for the Holy Grail in Mediation,” Peace Gala and Symposium on Conflict Resolution, Cardozo Law School 


  • Seven major theatre awards in Los Angeles for production of “Fatherland” at the Fountain Theatre, which opened in New York Sept. 26, with extensive press coverage. Prof. Menkel-Meadow and Robert Meadow, who served as producers of “Fatherland,” are serving as executive producers of a new play opening at Fountain Theatre, “I, Daniel Blake.” 

L. Song Richardson
Speaking engagements: 

  • 10th Circuit Judicial Conference panel on SFFA v. Harvard with Seth Waxman, Patrick Strawbridge, and Judge Holly Teeter (2024) at the 2024 Tenth Circuit Bench & Bar Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Sept. 7

Ji Seon Song 
Speaking engagements: 

  • Speaker on “Allyship as an Act of Civility,” using the new state bar civility MCLE requirement to the concept of civility and racial bias in the legal profession, 25th Annual Pacific Juvenile Defender Summit, Stanford Law School (Sept. 2024) 
  • Panelist, Disability Subordination Under Law: Policing, Punishment, and Institutionalization in Historical Context, 38th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Barcelona, Spain (July 2024)  
  • Panelist, Eating Behind Bars: Food as a Tool for Punishment or Emancipation, ICON France 2024, Paris, France (July 2024) 

Ann Southworth 

  • The Legal Profession: Ethics in Contemporary Practice, 3rd Ed. (with Catherine Fisk) (West Academic 2024) 
  • “Integrating Normative and Empirical Perspectives in Legal Ethics Training” in Research Handbook on the Sociology of Legal Ethics (eds. Scott Cummings, Ole Hammerslev, Tamara Butter, Sergio Anzola) (Edgar, forthcoming 2024) 
  • US Conservative Advocacy Organizations and Right-Wing Legal Mobilization in Europe, International Journal of Law in Context (forthcoming 2024)

Speaking engagements: 

  • Invited speaker, AALS Annual Meeting panel on “More Money Than Ever: Campaign Finance Law, and American Democracy” (Jan. 2025) 
  • Invited lecture, “Big Money Unleashed,” University of Amsterdam (Oct. 2024) 
  • Invited lecture, “$peech,” University of Leeds, U.K. (Nov. 2024) 


Jane Stoever
Professional engagements:

  • Prof. Stoever received Women For: Orange County's Suffrage Day Award for “outstanding contributions to the community and world at large” for an Orange County resident who represents “the spirit and characteristics of those who have struggled for women’s suffrage, women’s rights, as well as basic human rights.”

  • Prof. Stoever is serving as Chair Elect-Secretary of UC Irvine's Academic Senate.

Shauhin Talesh
Speaking engagement:

  • Speaker, “New Legal Realism and Legal Education”; Moderator, “NLR & Legal Education II:  Pluralizing Professional Identities and Purposes”; and Speaker, Closing Remarks at the conference, Widening the Lens of Justice: A 20th Anniversary New Legal Realism Conference on Inclusion, “Bleached Out” Identity, and Ethics in Legal Education, Harvard Law School (Oct. 2024) 

Heather Tanana 

  • U.S. Global Change Research Program appointment as author for the Southwest chapter of the Sixth National Climate Assessment (NCA6) — Prof. Tanana previously served as author for the “Water” chapter of the NCA5  

Emily Taylor Poppe
Speaking engagement:

  • Commentator, “New Legal Realism & Legal Education I: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Law School Inclusion and Teaching Justice,” Widening the Lens of Justice: A 20th Anniversary New Legal Realism Conference on Inclusion, “Bleached Out” Identity, and Ethics in Legal Education, Harvard Law School (Oct. 2024) 

Ari Ezra Waldman 

  • “Civil Society and the Future of Privacy Law” Emory Law Journal (forthcoming) 

Speaking engagements: 

  • “Rethinking Youth Privacy,” UC Berkeley School of Law (Sept. 2024) 
  • “Algorithmically Determined Gender,” American Sociological Association Annual Conference (Aug. 2024) 
  •  “Algorithmically Determined Gender,” Law & Society Association Annual Conference, (June 2024)  
  • “Civil Society and the Future of Privacy Law,” Privacy Law Scholars Conference (June 2024) 

Christopher Whytock 

  • “Politics and Private International Law,” in Research Methods in Private International Law (Xandra Kramer & Laura Carballo Piñeiro eds.) (Edward Elgar 2024) 

Speaking engagements: 

  • Presenter, Human Rights and Conflict of Laws, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law (Oct. 2024) 
  • Restatement of the Law Third, Conflict of Laws, Preliminary Draft No. 9 (Property: Trusts), American Law Institute (scheduled for Nov. 2024) 


  • 2023 Best Civil Justice Article Prize by UC Berkeley Civil Justice Research Initiative, awarded for “The Many State Doctrines of Forum Non Conveniens,” 72 Duke Law Journal 1163 (2023) (with William S. Dodge & Maggie Gardner)