Faculty Roundup: The latest highlights from UC Irvine Law’s faculty

Swethaa Ballakrishnen
Speaking engagement:
- Talk on “Teaching Professional Identity” and the integration of practical training and social science research on law at the Widening the Lens of Justice Conference, hosted by Harvard Law’s Center on the Legal Profession and the American Bar Foundation (Oct. 2024)
Professional engagement:
- Featured in the Law & Society Association’s newsletter (Nov. 2024), concerning a call for papers for Prof. Ballakrishnen’s 2024 Global Collaboration Project (with Suryapratim Roy) about “Law and the Interloper: Queer Theory in Critical Global Law and Society Scholarship”
- Participated in the Asian American Legal Feminisms workshop at Rutgers
Veena Dubal
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Consumer Financial Protection Circular 2024-06 titled, “Background Dossiers and Algorithmic Scores for Hiring, Promotion, and Other Employment Decisions,” which relies heavily on Prof. Dubal’s research paper, “On Algorithmic Wage Discrimination”
Bryant Garth
- Book review of “Rule of Law Intermediaries: Brokering Influence in Myanmar” by Kristina Simion, Law & Society Review (Oct. 2024)
David Kaye
- “Freedom of Expression’s Crisis of Interpretation,” Journal of Democracy (Oct. 2024)
Elizabeth Loftus
Speaking engagement:
- Lecture, “The Illusion of Memory: How False Memories Form (and What Consequences They Have)," BergamoScienza Festival in Bergamo, Italy (Oct. 2024)
Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Speaking engagement:
- Bruce Hafen Lecture, 'Why Are There Not Only Two Sides to Most Legal Problems: Wicked Problems and Multi-Party, Multi Issue Disputes,” BYU Law School (Oct. 2024)
Emily Taylor Poppe
Speaking engagement:
- Talk on “Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives” at the Widening the Lens of Justice Conference, hosted by Harvard Law’s Center on the Legal Profession and the American Bar Foundation (Oct. 2024)
- “Legal Actuation: How Ex Ante Legal Behavior Drives Inequality” (with Megan Doherty Bea), Law & Society Review, Cambridge University Press (Oct. 2024)
Shauhin Talesh
Speaking engagement:
- Talk on “New Legalism and Legal Education,” closing remarks and panel moderation at the Widening the Lens of Justice Conference, hosted by Harvard Law’s Center on the Legal Profession and the American Bar Foundation (Oct. 2024)
Professional engagement:
- Featured in the Law & Society Association’s newsletter (Nov. 2024) about virtual office hours Prof. Talesh held as a Law & Society Review editor to answer questions about publishing in LSR
Heather Tanana
Speaking engagements:
- University of Wisconsin, Native American Center for Health Professionals Distinguished Lecture Series, Native American Health Policy: Law as a Determinant of Health (Nov. 7, 2024)
- Colorado River Water Users Association Annual Conference, Sovereign to Sovereign (moderator, Dec. 6, 2024)